Hawthorn for lowering blood pressure!


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
My hubby is just borderline high. He refuses to take any of the meds they prescribe him anymore. He had a bad interaction with one they put him on. It worked great on lowering the blood pressure, but it turned him into a confrontational jerk who wanted to fight everyone over everything. Totally out of character for him. He did listen and think when I told him that I didn't want him on that drug because it was making him bad. He went in to the doctor and told them that I said if he kept taking it, he was going to get a divorce. It took about 2 weeks for it to get fully out of his system. After it was out, he looked back on how he was acting and was all apologetic to everyone.

The doctor here tried to put him on a different drug, but hubby wasn't happy because the doc didn't do a test to see if things had changed. So he refuses to take the med. I can't get him to go back to the doctor either. I told him to just request the one I had last time (we have military medical). She was very good.

I set up his baggy of vitamin and supplements in his lunchbox, so I can talk to him and add a pill in. He won't take stuff unless he knows what it is. He'd do tea much easier. I can make some for him to drink at dinner.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Marianne, find a good nurse practitioner rather than a M.D. They tend to listen wayyyy better ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
I'll have to ask my daughter about the nurse practitioner - the only ones I have seen are in the doctor's offices.

I have to say that my mood is really better since I don't take the BP meds. I checked again, the only drug interaction that I found was if you took Hawthorn while you were taking other meds prescribed for HBP. Then it could drop dangerously low.

For a test, I went two days NOT taking Hawthorn and went back to taking my two prescribed prescriptions. Average reading was 154/83. Today, back on Hawthorn, NOT taking BP meds, reading just now was 133/71.

I just did a quick google search for Hawthorn Tea - lots of sites to look at, here's one: http://www.hawthorntea.net/

nelson castro

Power Conserver
Nov 6, 2012
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Marianne said:
nelson castro said:
Lifestyle changes and natural remedies may help to control high blood pressure, but your doctor may also recommend medication to lower high blood pressure. It is important to work with your doctor, because untreated high blood pressure may damage organs in the body and increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, brain hemorrhage, kidney disease, and vision loss.

Before taking hawthorn, talk with your healthcare professional if you take any medications. It has major interactions with several prescription medications. ;)
I looked for interactions, didn't see anything that would pertain to me, thank goodness. And you're correct, untreated high blood pressure is serious stuff.

For myself, and strictly for me, I'd rather take the Hawthorn than the prescriptions. I still have the prescription medicine even though I am not taking it. My BP is lower with just the Hawthorn than what it is with the drugs, plus I don't have the side effects. Hawthorn is a common high blood pressure treatment in Europe.
Glad to know that there are no interactions. Your body probably loves organic medicine as compared with the processed medicines.. :D