HeatherLynnKy on the farm Ranting and hormone crazy tonight warning


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Love the pic's! Bessie is sooooo cute! I'm sure Blossom will look fat and happy in no time!

Our Ice Cream girl drove us nuts when it was 'her time' :p Think it drove Ferdinand crazy too, cuz he decided to 'shut her up' well before we expected him to :lol:


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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No rest yet but its getting closer. I hope lol. So after lunch I got 2 more loads done which almost has me caught up. I got most of the upstairs done but did not get both bathrooms finished. Ah well, thats what the morning is for right?. I picked up my daughter from her first performances and brought her home. Got a few more little chores done, then got her ready for her evening performance and drove her to our lights in the park opening. The kids did an awesome job really. I was so proud.

Came home late and did evening chores. Blossom is already improved. After her bottle she was trying to nudge my son around for more food, wagging her little tail and trying to walk between his legs. she was a bit all over but walked right beside him into her stall for the night. She gets her second set of shots tomorrow. She is still a bit runny. Vet said to do a bottle with half milk replacer and half electrolytes. Hopefully that helps her with the scouts a bit. Thankfully because of the goats i have a fully stocked medicale supply box. Funny how prepared you get when you know the vet won't help you.

Anywho I am going to go sit on my rear and watch a movie. I am too tired to type anymore tonight. Tomorrow will be much slower. No more performances for a week. YAY

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sounds like you deserve a break, so go for it.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Ok, well the farm ended up waiting for me to wake up this morning. Apparently I was worn out. My husband let me sleep till 9. Can you believe I sleep that long. Ah well, all the chores waited for me so its on to those I go. I have to run out once to pick up last minute stuff for tomorrow and then the cars will not leave the house again till Saturday for a church event. Thankfully thats way in the country too. We are doing our best to avoid all Black Friday madness and fender benders lol. Its just too insane in town already. The weekend will be worse.

We had some issues with coyotes last night. Their noise was awful and my husband said they were too close to the house and barns. We may end up spending thanksgiving night on the roof of the barn with guns again. Dang predators. Might have to venture to Walmart for a bit more ammo for my shot gun. You can never have too much after all. All the animals are a bit skittish this morning. The noise messes with them badly. I can promise I won't get an egg today from the chickens either. It was really loud and really close. " and the entertainment for Thanksgiving dinner is a coyote hunt." I wonder how the brothers would handle that.

So the turkey is out and defrosting ( I really should raise my own next year, its been added to the list), The ham is waiting in the fridge. I have roughly 2 bulbs of garlic to peal for tomorrow. YUM. The house is pretty cleaned up already but there is all that last minutes cleaning that will fill the next 2 days. Not sure how the family got this big but I tell you, dinner for 35 can be a little bit stressful.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I know we have em around here, but I've never heard them. I'm afraid that if we have a bad winter that they'll go for the goats. We're talking about redoing our old dog pen. It has a 6 ft high fence instead of 4, and it's in middle of the yard instead of closer to the woods.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Rough, rough day. I am not sure even the stars can ease the ache tonight. I bought my son a replacement heifer( beautiful Blossom) for the bull we had to sell. She is very very sick and momma just does not know if I can pull her through. We did the stool sample and she has e coli and so we started 2 shots every other day to treat that because they said thats the cause of her scours. She also has gone into pnuemonia. How do I fix all this. The vet said the shots she is getting will also treat the pneumonia. She is getting probiotics like its going out of style. Revitalite to make sure she does not get dehydrated. So one bottle just electrolytes and then a morning and evening bottle thats half milk replacer and half electrolytes. Vet said its what he would do with his own and to hold steady. Yep hold steady mom while you break your sons heart. I don't think the vet understands that I have to save this calf. Its not just that it would hurt me if I fail. i would fail my kid. Thats just not an option. I am trying so hard and all I can think of is my first baby goat who died despite all my care. A full week of no sleep and she still died. Poor Blossom, she is all snotty today and so little energy. The vet said adding that 3rd bottle in midday with just the electrolytes might actually help give her the energy to fight the illness too.

In the midst off all this I managed to get everything cleaned up, we cleaned out the stalls, started a major project to redo the gate to the chickens and make their yard more secure. I also found out we have 2 surprise guests tomorrow and one has a 5th birthday tomorrow. I will admit right now, I cheated. I bought premade cup cakes. I know, its not anything close to clean eating but this little girl needs a birthday. Presents are bought and I will wrap them tonight for her. My brother got 2 more foster kids this week. They were supposed to be there for 2 days but its ended up being a longer stay, and found out only today that tomorrow is her birthday. Anywho, the cooking is started and the house is clean and ready for guests. I even did 5 loads of laundry. We had the yummiest steaks tonight. My butcher had 5 new york strip steaks in their frozen mark down chest freezer. Well I grabbed them on a whim. YUM YUM YUM and it didn't upset my stomach. Which confirms just a little bit more that its not beef upsetting my tummy. Its bacteria laden grocery store meat. I have been on a probiotic flush for almost a week now trying to recover from the commercial meat my mom used. Ugggg never again.

I am more than a little sleepy now though. I want to sleep but i have a midnight bottle to give to the little heifer. Since she got her electrolyte bottle at 6 I wanted to give enough time before I gave her the milk/electrolyte bottle. I think a sleeping pill will be needed tonight, otherwise I will worry over her all night. Nothing I can do. I have to trust what we have done for her and trust God as always to take care of us( including our animals). I never knew trust was such a full time job but it really is.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And trust isn't easy. We want to do everything our selves and forget that God already knows the outcome. We just need to let Him be God and remember that no matter the outcome, He has a reason-even when it hurts us.

the funny farm6

Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 15, 2011
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i hope your critters are ok. it can be hard. when my kids were young i found it hard to find a balance between them knowing/understanding death and making them hard to it. it is the same with breeding and birth.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Desperately trying to stay awake for her last bottle. I am sorta afraid to go check on her each time because I don't want to know she is worse. No she has not gotten worse yet but thats my fear talking. Not sure what to do with another hour and a half other that browse the internet. I have researched all sorts of stuff for the calf but so far everything has me doing the exact same thing.

Edited to add. Ok well I made it. I stayed awake and just fed her the bottle. 1/2 milk replacer 1/2 electrolyte probiotics and a tablespoon of molasses. She drank the whole thing. She looks better than before also. She got the second shot 12 hours ago and you can already see an improvement. I also think that extra electrolyte made a big difference. She was up and around and actually playful while I gave her the bottle. Her congestion is much better also. So maybe that shot really is going to work for pneumonia. So we may only be back to where we were yesterday right now but its an improvement from earlier and I will take it.

The plan for tomorrow is 9am and 9pm feeding ( I want there to be enough time in between). Again the half and half bottle. Then somewhere in the middle I plan on a plain electrolyte bottle. The vet said at this point I cannot over do electrolytes because she is loosing fluids too fast with the scours. If she still has the runs I have the handy red liquid scours stuff to give her again. He said by the 3rd shot I should not need anymore but for now the goal is her not getting more run down by this. I am really hopeful that by Friday we some significant improvement. I am really hoping that very soon we shall see this girl filling out and looking fat and happy. Bessie keeps calling out to her but there is no way i could put this girl in with her now. She needs a bit more growth and strength. Bessie sits by the fence to watch her all day though. I am hoping for now that company is enough for the calf because i do not want to risk putting a sick baby in with my others. I had considered when she is well bedding her with one of the goats till she is a bit stronger and can go in the cow area. We shall see.

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