Hi there!
Great question! I doubt that I or my family will ever be completely self-sufficient. However, my goal is to have a lifestyle that mimics my grands, with technology that actually assists added in. The internet, for example, can be a wonderful tool. Bartering, work exchanging and the like are all part of it, too. So, I guess it depends on your definition of self-sufficient.
ETA: And, no. We're not even close to that yet. No solar, no rainwater collector, etc. Many more things I want to do, project to research & finish, etc. On-going work in progress, getting closer every day though
We are no where near being self sufficient. But, it would be nice. We would have to move to a place that actually has some decent rainfall and lower temperatures in the summer.
I got chickens last year. Have been learning how to grow my own food this summer. We wired the house for a generator but we are just beginning. We have a long way to go and the hardest part is all the learning + trial and error. Its a start anyway