I hear ya all! I was naturally reddish brown, so of course, when I was coloring, it was more reddish brown...more red than brown. With some experimenting, one time I looked like a calico cat, another time like a redwood fence with a bad stain job. But I still love red. Except if you're 70 years old and still wearing the same color and style from 40 years ago. That kind of freaks me out.
Some red screams DYED from across the room. Like the 70 year olds that sport that bright red awful hairstyles. The good thing about being a redhead for 25 years is the attitude has stayed with me, even though it is snow white now.
One of the coolest dyes I ever saw was from across a parking lot. I saw a lady, must have been 80 years old, pushing a shopping cart, and her hair (which I'm sure was pure white originally) was this neon pink-orange sunrise color. It was so bright I could see it from across the lot, and all I could think was, "You go, girl!" She marched as if she owned the place, and I loved the vibrant color. Sure, it was obviously a dye job, but at 80 years old, I figured she could dang well dye it whatever she wanted to!
My son tried once to dye his hair midnight blue. He was 17 and I figured what the hey, it's only hair. Well, he is 1/2 Asian, and dyes don't always work the same on Asian hair, he discovered. He ended up with Kool-ade, smurf blue! Talk about weird...
BTW, my DIL uses sharpie pens to add highlights to her hair. Works very well. But then, she's a natural dark blond. Don't know if it would work for darker hair.
I finally quit dying my hair after about 20 years. It was to cover the grey for about the last 10 years. The color always faded out to a lighter brown, and looked much better after a fresh touch-up. I finally got fed up with using the chemicals on my hair. Now it's pretty much salt and pepper, unruly, thin, straight and fly-away. I wear it short, and am not happy with it at all. I think if my head was shaped nicely, I would just shave my head. Guys do it all the time. (Not that I like it, but it looks pretty easy-care!) Or get some hair extensions. Yeah.
I have a whole collection of those spray on hair colors that wash out- One time I did purple and wore it all over town. It was amazing how much friendlier everyone was to me- young and old alike. I had the most fun that day...
Isn't it interesting that people react to you differently if you have something a little odd going on? Like it gives them permission to talk to you and be friendly. Too bad we feel like we need permission to be friendly to each other!
I think what happened was that the silly hair showed people that I had a sense of humor, and that I wasn't likely to bite their nose off if they responded to it. These days, so many people appear to be overly concerned about their dignity. Life's too short for that... and anyone that has ever watched two people make love realizes that we are obviously God's comic relief....
I'm in cosmetology and my friend wants to color her hair. We already know her natural level and the desired level but she's colored it a level darker before (shes a natural medium brownish) so there's a level lighter regrowth but you can barely tell. If we color her hair a darker brown will it come out messed up or in different tones or should I skip the regrowth until the end and go back and apply color to the regrowth once mid strand and ends are finished? Or can i just do it all at once since it's darker? I just don't want her roots to come out darker. & will this be hard to maintain with highlights as well?