Lovin' The Homestead
I really want some Marans next spring, but now I think I'm going to have to add Welsummers on my list too. 
The Buff Orpingtons are certainly pretty. I like the idea of the dark eggs, but don't Marans have feathered feet? My Barnevelder lays kind of dark eggs - chocolate, but milk chocolate rather than 75% cacaojourney11 said:My black australorps were pretty broody. I didn't care for them myself...maybe just got a bad lot.
Buff Orpingtons are a pretty gold color and are good layers of brown eggs.
Barred Rocks are good layers and have a striking appearance.
If you are really going for color in your egg basket though, I would say you need a Black Copper Maran. They lay dark brown eggs, "chocolate" colored. They can be hard to come by. You may want to look for someone on BYC who has them for sale or knows where to get just one or two. Most any other chicken you can buy anytime throughout the season, but I found out the hard way that I have to put my order in by January if I want Marans (purchased from a hatchery).
All of those 4 breeds tend to be very docile and friendly as well.
From all the positive statements made about the Buff Orpington I think I'll need to put one on the short list. (I was trying to shorten Buff Orpington, for easier typing, but I just can't bring myself to call them BOjustusnak said:My buff Orpingtons are by FAR the most beautifull hens I have. They do tend to go broody, and they lay light brown eggs. The Barred Rocks are pretty, mine dont seem to go broody, and are a little smaller than the Buffs...but very docile, friendly birds. The Marans are great DARK brown layers, but I found them to be a bit more flighty. I would add a Buff Orpington, she would really add some beautifull golden color to your flock.![]()
I really like the look of the Welsumers, both the birds and the eggs. Another one for the short listokiemomof3 said:you need some speckled i would get you a couple of Welsummers....unless you get a certain blood line, you normally won't get the terra cotta colored eggs from the Wellies, but you will most probably get the speckled. My wellies just started laying and i am LOVING the speckled eggs....they are not high producers, maybe 4 or so a week each....
I just took a "stroll" through the "", and am very taken with the Sussex - both Speckled and Light. The Brahmas appear to be very impressive birds, but again, I don't think feathered feet are a good idea in my climate.Blackbird said:x2BarredBuff said:I am thinking Black Australorps and Buff Orpington.
I would also recommend Light Brahmas (but they are soo slow growing) or Speckled Sussex!