Sustainability Master
Mine do fine with hog panels too - no hot wire here. (even though Cowboy has tested my patience a few times and I've threatened!)
Wow, well done! It's a nice looking pig.
Some tips… For starters put that water bucket in the ground, or you are going to have a VERY muddy pen and refills needed 10x a day
Go to your co-op/feed store/farm store and ask them for some commercial pig food. You can supplement that with just about anything kitchen scrap wise, vegetables, fruit, even meat and weeds from the garden. Pigs will eat nearly anything. Feed it twice a day, as much as it will eat in 20 minutes. You can give it snacks like weeds etc in-between.
Make sure it has some shade, even if it's not hot by you, pigs are prone to sunburn, which is why they love mud bathing so much, it protects their skins and keeps them cool.
I see it's tail is not curly, which is a sign of good health, but it could just be stressed. Get some dewormers into it asap, just in case. Check if it's skin is o.k. Not too dry, no skin ailments. In South Africa we used to rub used car engine oil all over the pigs if they were mangy or scabby. This would eventually get rubbed off, or fall off, leaving their skins beautiful and healthy underneath.
That's all that comes to mind at the moment...
She does look a little on the thin side, doesn't she? I'm betting something for parasites and good food will set her on the right track.
Does she seem nice enough when you go in to feed and water? Not aggressive at all? Wonder where she comes from...
Ivermectin(name brand Ivomec or Noromectin) –Treats, mites, lice, and a variety of internal parasites. Use 1% injection solution labeled for swine. With a small syringe, dose 0.2 cc or ml per 10 pounds of body weight to mix with pig's food. Your pig will need 2 doses, 14 days apart.