I'm not exactly sure how to use it, but there is a spoiler alert you can use if you think someone might be grossed out or offended by a post. Personally, I'd prefer that you use the spoiler alert, then leave the pic up. It might help someone else one day.
ok I was right my children know how to do this, few things though,
it is blurry because I was trying to go close up, but I think you can make out the colors I can try again to get better shot I do see it is sort of bumpy looking in the center
and the camera must be on vivid color because it doesn't look quite that dark pink to the eye, so cut the color in your mind by 25 to 40 % or so
and you are looking at old poison ivy and scrapes that have chicken pox around...so this knee looks bad but not all due to the pox
I think you are right - we can leave it up . . . there was a good bit of warning about it.
Spoiler alert, eh? Let me think - the edges - are they raised, with the pale colored stuff a little lower? Or is the whole light colored center higher than the skin around it?
the whole area could be a dime sitting on her leg it is that thin, maybe thinner and raised above the skin, relatively smooth, it is whiter on the edges like an outline, and greyer towards the center, you may see some even darker right in the middle but I think that is just a little charcoal left over, I can see the grain of the fine charcoal on the surface making a small line sort of down the center ,I washed her carefully but just rinsed that area by spilling water, rather than useing wash cloth like I did around the dime shaped area, because I wanted to be gentle with that not knowing if it would burst..
Do you suppose it could be a little yeast infection, like an opportunistic secondary infection? Coconut oil is supposed to be effective against yeast, and I think tea tree oil and oil of oregano.
oh that's a surprise it certainly could be it seems like we all have an issue with yeast here, I have tea tree oil I have coconut oil and I have that stuff on hand for jock itch (I think an antifungal)
I might put a drop of tea tree oil in a teaspoon of coconut oil and dab a tiny bit on there. Yeasts are s l o w to get rid of as you know. Although I did well a few years ago - fasted from all sugar and starch (yup, even fruit), and in five days or so, a rash (that I reckoned was yeast) disappeared. And it has not returned….Yay!
I don't know if something like Tinactin would be better - then there's Lotrimin…. dealing with a younger person, don't know of contraindications.
very comfortable doing the tea tree oil, would you say as long is she acts healthy, eating, playing and no fever but some light healing pinkness, if I concentrate on the tea tree oil for a few days it might make progress
the dark red was scary last night, so I guess I want to know when to worry, lol
I feel very good about doing the tea tree...
Your instincts are going to be better than mine on this - - my nightmare is dismissing something that turns out to be more trouble than expected. I think I am not the only one who feels that way.
But on the plus side, she has no fever, is that correct? And seems her spirits are improving. I know with the ducks one of my big tests is "is the leg warm?" which indicates possible systemic problems when they have bumblefoot.