Lovin' The Homestead
Here is a couple things we did to cut our bill. MAKE IT ALL FROM SCRATCH!!!! BIG TIME SAVINGS!!
But I digress
Rather than buying 3.00 englich muffins we make .20 worth of biscuits for the week. Great with jam in the morning. 2 cups of flour will make about 12 nice biscuits. Sometimes we add some cinnamin.
We make our own pizzes. 2 large pizzas we like cost about 22.00 here on the island. For 22.oo I can buy all the ingredients and make 8 with my breadmachine.
So far we have gotten back 60.00 on our breadmachine. It's a good one. It can even do meatloaf and cakes. YUM!!
Barter locally for our maple syrup.
We make our jams and barter for some when we can't make them.
We have a friend who gives us eggs each month. We give her our daughters grown out clothing. What a blessing on both sides.
A new idea I am going to try and work out this yr is trading all the mason jars I get for my lambs this fall. I have a ton for myself( 6x6 shed full) but always get 100-200 from our dump and people I know. I asl people all the time. Amazing what people have if you just ask. Most people just give them to me. They have no use for them. Just an idea to barter where and when you can.
I know a lady who sells crab meat. So I mow her yard for crab meat. In the summer we get 1 lb of crab meat a week from her.
I have another friend who trades me lobsters for mowing. So once a month we have a lobster bake in the summer.
Just plain buy in bulk.
Make soups and freeze the left over. I can always get 2 dinners and 1 kids lunch out of a soup. Sometimes more
In the winter we 1 turkey for nov, De, Jan, Feb, We can get a lot of meals out of these buggahs. Especially nice when we payed 39cents a lb back in Nov.
March is Irish month.
I don't remember what I do this month. I know I drink a lot. 
Just some things we do

Rather than buying 3.00 englich muffins we make .20 worth of biscuits for the week. Great with jam in the morning. 2 cups of flour will make about 12 nice biscuits. Sometimes we add some cinnamin.
We make our own pizzes. 2 large pizzas we like cost about 22.00 here on the island. For 22.oo I can buy all the ingredients and make 8 with my breadmachine.
So far we have gotten back 60.00 on our breadmachine. It's a good one. It can even do meatloaf and cakes. YUM!!
Barter locally for our maple syrup.
We make our jams and barter for some when we can't make them.
We have a friend who gives us eggs each month. We give her our daughters grown out clothing. What a blessing on both sides.
A new idea I am going to try and work out this yr is trading all the mason jars I get for my lambs this fall. I have a ton for myself( 6x6 shed full) but always get 100-200 from our dump and people I know. I asl people all the time. Amazing what people have if you just ask. Most people just give them to me. They have no use for them. Just an idea to barter where and when you can.
I know a lady who sells crab meat. So I mow her yard for crab meat. In the summer we get 1 lb of crab meat a week from her.
I have another friend who trades me lobsters for mowing. So once a month we have a lobster bake in the summer.
Just plain buy in bulk.
Make soups and freeze the left over. I can always get 2 dinners and 1 kids lunch out of a soup. Sometimes more
In the winter we 1 turkey for nov, De, Jan, Feb, We can get a lot of meals out of these buggahs. Especially nice when we payed 39cents a lb back in Nov.
March is Irish month.

Just some things we do