help with high blood pressure please


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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stinging nettles is edible and actually tasty in soup and is supposed to lower blood pressure and be a dieuretic. However I take those medications (for something else) and was told NOT to use natural remedies in combination with conventional medicine as they would not be in regulated amounts on a consistent basis and could effect the overall medical picture in an adverse way. I'd talk to your hubby's doctor about any drastic changes. I do eat small amounts of nettles occasionally, not as a medicine, but as a food.

Exercise is an excellent way to help high blood pressure and losing weight if he is overweight. I have not seen that mentioned. maybe start a fun exercise plan with him, it is hard to do alone.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
Always tell the Doc what you are taking or want to try. Drugs can interact with each other or with herbs, and they may need to adjust dosages, timing or just say Bad combination. If the Dr can't be reached, ask/call a pharmacy- they are really good at helping with these kinds of questions.

Walking and other exercise- Walking is easier on the knees which could be a problem till his weight is lower.
Avoid highly processed food. Most frozen dinners, most canned soups, most boxed mixes, have too much sodium and chemical additives, like MSG, that can raise it.
Sea salt or other good quality salts have other minerals naturally in it that make it more balanced and better for the body. I mix sea salt and kelp powder together in my shaker.
Fiber- I like getting it from veggies, fruits, whole grains, and flax meal.
Red Yeast Rice, but Never combine it with prescription statins, or it would basically be overdosing.
Cayenne or other hot peppers- opens the blood vessels a bit
Lecithin- gradually helps to clear the arteries, so after a while the blood flows easier. Most lecithin is from soy, but there are other sources (more $)for people that don't want or can't have soy.
Garlic- including the deodorized pill versions but I still prefer to eat it. Yum.
Hawthorne- helps heart function and blood vessels.
Calcium & Magnesium - low levels of them can affect blood pressure
Aspirin- thins the blood, making it less likely to clot but that makes any bleeding heavier. Don't use if you have ulcers or other conditions that can cause internal bleeding!
Pets- petting and spending time with them can lower pressure.

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