Help with high cholestrol and hypothyroid


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Henrietta23 said:
Skimming tonigh because it's hot and I'm tired. I'll just throw this in:
my cholesterol was high and I was bordering on hypothyroid when I went low carb. The change in eating habits changed both. Low carb, no processed foods, no soy, no restriction of fats (uncured bacon and full fat dairy whenever) brought everything into normal limits in two months with no meds.
never had a problem with cholesterol, but have had hypothyroid for about 13 years. My thyroid caused me to gain weight, shich casued me to try low carbing it to lose the weight I had gained. I haven't had my thyroid rechecked, but it will be interesting to see if there are changes again to it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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me&thegals said:
Mackay said:
They would also know that 98 percent of americans are deficint and this deficiency disease becomes pronouced during middle ages..They have absolutley no account for why there is a hypothryoid epidemic in this nation... I tell you. Iodine is the answer. It is simply a nutritional issue.
Why would 98% be deficient? Americans are infamous for iodized salt intake.
Iodized salt provides enough iodine( 0.05mg required) to prevent goiter, but it is not enough to prevent hypothyroidism. Nor is it enough to prevent fibrocystic breast disease, breast cancer, deposits of fluoride in the pineal gland and bromide in the thyroid. These hallogen elements bind to the same receptor sites that iodine should be in. The body has many demands for iodine in various locations. If there is not enough to go around the thyroid suffers, it binds on to bromide which is found in store bought bread or found in other places, like hot tubs. Bromide has no business being in the body. Sufficient iodine intake will cause bromide to dump out the kidneys as the thyroid regenerates itself. Studies have been done and I have read many of them.

If more iodine is taken than is actually needed it just flushes out the kidneys.

A body requires 25mg iodine perday minimum. This is why Japanese women do not have breast cancer or fibrocystic breasts nor hypothyroidism until they come to America and adopt our trash diet. To detox bromide and regenerate the thyroid in hypothryoidism 50mg a day will be required for 12 weeks. Some severe cases require up to 100mg per day. maintenance dose is 25mg. Thyroid hormome levels need to be checked at 6 weeks as reduction in medicaiton will most likley be needed.

And for a percentage of adults their doctors tell them to cut back on salt due to cardiac and vascular issues. And still lots of people do not purchase and use iodized salt. They sell plenty of plain salt in the supermarket and I know all them sales are not for people canning.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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mandieg4 said:
My doctor told me that the aspartame will block iodine absorption. He said if I absolutely had to have a pop to make sure it wasn't diet.
I didn't know that! Just another reason to stay away from the dastardly stuff.

The only half way safe soda pop out there that is not from a healthfood store is 7 up.... and not their cherry flavored either cause it has sodium benzoate. When you combine a benzoate with vitamin c it oxidizes and you end up with benzine in your body and they got both in the same can.

Potassium and sodium benzoate are out out out!


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
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Santa Barbara
Thank thank you guys <33 I havent been on (well once to PM WZ) because of work/animal stuffs.

I will def email her this...unfortunately my other half pointed out that if you tell her the sky is orange, she will believe that =/ She is going into nursing (she wants to be a NICU nurse) so I am hoping to nip nutrition in the bud right now.

And yeah Free, what is with soy being in EVERYTHING???? I bought GF waffles the other morning, because my mornings have been tight with my pup going to daycare now...I got them home, popped them in the oven and the back was full of soy. :he

:smack soy industry


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
me&thegals said:
Mackay said:
They would also know that 98 percent of americans are deficint and this deficiency disease becomes pronouced during middle ages..They have absolutley no account for why there is a hypothryoid epidemic in this nation... I tell you. Iodine is the answer. It is simply a nutritional issue.
Why would 98% be deficient? Americans are infamous for iodized salt intake.
We are famous for our sodium intake but that does not mean iodized salt.

Personally I have been concerned about this lately as I only use Celtic salt. I did a little reading and found that even using iodized salt at home will not provide enough iodine for our bodies, as Mackay stated.

I plan to supplement soon.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Spiro, exercise is pretty useless as a way to lose weight. It has health benefits, but weight loss isn't really one of the good ones.

"There was a time when virtually no one believed exercise would help a person lose weight. Until the sixties, clinicians who treated obese and overweight patients dismissed the notion as nave. When Russell Wilder, an obesity and diabetes specialist at the Mayo Clinic, lectured on obesity in 1932, he said his fat patients tended to lose more weight with bed rest, while unusually strenuous physical exercise slows the rate of loss.

The problem, as he and his contemporaries saw it, is that light exercise burns an insignificant number of calories, amounts that are undone by comparatively effortless changes in diet. In 1942, Louis Newburgh of the University of Michigan calculated that a 250-pound man expends only three calories climbing a flight of stairsthe equivalent of depriving himself of a quarter-teaspoon of sugar or a hundredth of an ounce of butter. He will have to climb twenty flights of stairs to rid himself of the energy contained in one slice of bread! Newburgh observed. So why not skip the stairs, skip the bread, and call it a day?

More-strenuous exercise, these physicians further argued, doesnt help mattersbecause it works up an appetite. Vigorous muscle exercise usually results in immediate demand for a large meal, noted Hugo Rony of Northwestern University in his 1940 textbook, Obesity and Leanness. Consistently high or low energy expenditures result in consistently high or low levels of appetite. Thus men doing heavy physical work spontaneously eat more than men engaged in sedentary occupations. Statistics show that the average daily caloric intake of lumberjacks is more than 5,000 calories, while that of tailors is only about 2,500 calories. Persons who change their occupation from light to heavy work or vice versa soon develop corresponding changes in their appetite. If a tailor becomes a lumberjack and, by doing so, takes to eating like one, why assume that the same wont happen, albeit on a lesser scale, to an overweight tailor who decides to work out like a lumberjack for an hour a day? "


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Spam spam spam eggs and spam? Oh, wrong kind of spam :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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regarding exercise, I suppose much of what is learned depends on who you read

Increasing muscle mass will contribute to weight loss as muscle burns more calories than any other body part.

As one ages muscle mass tends to go down while the diet stays the same or sometimes even increases in calories due to poor eating habbits.

Weight bearing exercies, yes, lifting weights is the best exercise to do to burn calories... That combined with a low carb, high protien diet will give you the fastest results. Proetien is required to build muscle and muscle burns calories. It will also increase metabolism with which you respond to with more frequent small high protien meals.

Aerobic exercise is good for the vascular and respiratory system but you practically have to be a fanatic runner to get the burn you would need to burn sufficient calories to make a difference.

When I religously did the Atkins type diet I lifted weights but only walked short distances at high speed 3 x week. I ate frequent high protien meals with mostly green veggies. I lost weight fast and kept if off for a long time, way past the time I stopped the routine.
I kept my protien up and hence also the muscle mass I had built... and no, did not look like a weight lifter... I am slight of build but had lost some of the mucle mass I had in my younger days.

Read Protien Power by DRs Eades, husband and wife

It will also eliminate any cholesterol and diabeties type II issues.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I used to exercise 1 hour a day 6 days a week for 2 YEARS! Never lost a single pound. Went low carb (and I am an Eades fan :D) and dropped 40 lbs in less than 6 months.

I still exercise (for stamina, flexibility, fun), but it has NEVER helped me lose weight.

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