I have almost 30 hens and am only getting a couple of eggs a day. EE's are not laying at all. I have one hen that is young and lays an egg about 1x a week. The rest are not doing a thing. My cornish bantums are laying every other day. My silkies were still doing a good job but 2 went broodie. They just hatched out 6 babies and now another is broodie. So no eggs from them either now. My cornish are my saving grace along with my Iowa Blue and one big red hen that was thrown in as a packing peanut by mistake. She has always been my best layer.
They are all healthy - I guess just taking a long winter break. To top it all off most of them went through a really heavy molt just before the days starting getting shorter.
They are all healthy - I guess just taking a long winter break. To top it all off most of them went through a really heavy molt just before the days starting getting shorter.