
She had been attacked by a dog and her whole back was ripped open, there was no way we could have saved her. My hubby was very upset by the whole thing.
We also took the axe to a rooster, we didn't want to do it, but he was becoming more and more mean, and we have two small children - it was the rooster or the kids, and the rooster had to go.

We originally got 8 chickens, 3 years ago, two were attacked by that dog, the one we had to cull, the other one lived in the house for a month being nursed back to health. One of our 8 just died on the roost, we found her on the floor in the morning, stiff as a board. Another one was taken off by a dog a few weeks ago - my son's chicken, Peep.
We have 5 of the original 8 left: (i purchased 2 of each breed)
Flopsy - leghorn - her partner died on the roost, Mopsy
Big Red, her real name is Scarlett a RIR -her partner was the one we had to cull, Cali
Sandra(EE) - her partner was Peep.
Daisy (BO)
Maggie (BO) (dog attack victim that spent a month in the house, she has an odd wing now)