Hehe, last year was supposed to be my non-ordering year. That's how I ended up with 19. This year HAS to be my non-ordering year or there will never be a non-ordering year and I'll soon be the crazy chicken lady.....
Whoa, let me off this thing!!!
Saturday night we had our Pack's Adult Pinewood Derby and a potluck dinner. This is our first year with the pack so it was a great chance to get to know people better and a lot of fun. DH had spent tons of time on his car, making it really pretty and balancing it just so. He help me cut out my car then I finished it. Except for him helping with the Big Scary Saw and showing me how to put the wheels and weights on carefully I did really build it. Out of 23 cars his came in 8th and mine came in 7th! We had a blast.
Sunday after church was the Scout's derby. DS built his car with DH's help of course. He is only 7. But he built it. He chose the design, cut it out hand over hand with Dad on the Big Scary Saw, did all the sanding and painting himself, decorated it with stickers, and helped DH put the wheels on. It wasn't anything fancy. But son of a gun if he didn't come in first! He is so proud of himself. And we are too of course. We race on a computerized track that records the times. His car came down faster, in every heat, than any of the adult cars did the night before! And he was a good sport about it too. We had several scouts come up and congratulate him. What a feel good moment. We have the Adult Derby so the adults can get out the urge to take over the building of the kids' cars by building their. The guys really get into it. And it's all fun the way it should be. It was a great day. We went out to dinner with my parents to celebrate and the Pack Master himself happened to be eating in the same restaurant. DS was still floating.
Today the rollercoaster made a major dip. DH got his usual reminder call from his mom to call his sister on her birthday. Only the message today was more like, "Your sister needs to talk to you call her NOW" Long story short, her husband of 25 years is leaving her and the kids in the midst of a midlife crisis. It's all very complicated and ugly. And it's her &*%$ birthday! Unbeliveable. So we're processing all this, unable to really do much for her, half a continent away.
We had our regular Cub Scout den meeting tonight. I was prepared with plenty for the Wolves to do. All 5 of them showed up which really was great but I'm exhausted! I've got one whose volume is up all the way all the time. I get interrupted every two seconds. I didn't really want to but I had to put on The Teacher Voice a couple of times. Not loud, just stern. "If you don't stop we won't be able to do this." "I will wait but we are running out of time" We got 80% of what I had planned done, which was good since I purposely overplanned. Came home, turned on the computer and open a beer.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring?
What today brought was more phone calls and analysis of the situation between MIL and DH. MIL can't yell at soon-to-be-ex BIL so she unloads on DH.
My head is pounding with pressure changes in the atmosphere. We are expecting some amount of snow in the morning but we don't know if it will be enough to delay or cancel school. Much speculation. Messing schedules up completely because we were supposed to have a half day for professional development. If we have a delay they can't let us out early or the day won't count. So they cancelled the half day and made it a regular full day. So all those parents who arranged for child care for a 1:30 dismissal have to rearrange for a 3:30 dismissal. What a pain. Ah, life in an unpredictable New England winter.
Glad to hear your pine wood derby went well. We did that last year. All the way down to squirting graphite on the wheels to make it roll faster. We had the electronic track and all. The only difference was my dh got suckered into having all of the kids come to our house to make the cars. He has a large wood shop and they scheduled the kids to come about every hour and the parent/child combo where supposed to use dh tools. My dh set up a sanding table, painting table etc... I was all good with us being new to the troop and all.
The only problem was the kids never left. So by the end of the day I had about 20 kids running around my yard. I even had one Mom drop off her kids. Well she said, it was cold and wanted to run home for sweatshirts. She didn't come back for 3 hours. I spent most of my day saying, "don't chase the chickens, please leave the rabbit hutch closed, Oh no we don't hit each other with sticks". It was a learning experience that's for sure.
I always thought snow days sounded fun. I guess that is until it messes up everyone's schedules.
Sorry about the mil unloading on your dh. We had kind of the same thing. My sil husband left and the whole world had to stop. It was crazy except in her case he moved back to his home state, fathered a child with his cousin and then married her. Gotta love that.
Thanks Tanks!
Snow days are fun, especially when you work for the school system This one doesn't look like it will be a snow day though. I usually don't mind a late opening. It's just a bit of a pain tomorrow, and I do feel for those parents that don't work for the system.
And of course there's much more to the story with SIL and the Jerk. It would take days and it's one of those things that doesn't translate to print well. I suppose they really don't ever, do they?
I could see us ending up with all the kids here in DH's basement workshop. I think he can too which is why he didn't offer! Most of his bigger tools are at the shop at school so he couldn't take anyone other than our own son there because of insurance issues. The Webelos brought tools in to a couple of meetings and worked there. We did offer to help one single mom of two Scouts but she declined and didn't have them build cars. She did say maybe next year. They joined late this year and didn't really have a lot of time. But the older boy is starting to nag her about it so she may have to give in next year.
I have pictures that one of the leaders shared. DS looks so smug! = 0 I wish I could say proud but.....
Had the weirdest allergy attack this morning. One spot just inside my nose decided to tickle almost like a pain, which made me sneeze over and over. My eyes were watering something fierce. I was trying to work with my students and almost unable to function. It got so bad that when one of my students skipped class and mouthed off when I found her in the hallway and landed herself in ISS I went to CVS for Claritin. That and a little fresh air took the edge off but by then I'd blown my nose on cheap school issue tissues that it was red and raw. It's calmed down some now but I still don't feel quite right. It was so strange! I'm still getting the tickly thing once in a while but not as aggressively as this morning.
Well that was a fun update! Things on the family front are sort of quiet. DH checks in with his sis every few days. The latest is that the Soon To Be Ex BIL's lawyer told him to rent a truck, fill it with money and be prepared to deliver it to SIL's door! His own lawyer told him that. STBX-BIL thought they could do a nice 50/50 amicable split. Yeah.....
We're looking at a good possibility of a snow storm Wednesday throughout the day and into the night. Maybe a closing Wed. and a delay Thursday? We shall see. We're on vacation next week. I'd rather save it for the loooooooooong month of March. We never even had a delay last time. We ended up with a full day of school.
Need to get serious about what I want to plant this year. We have a community garden meeting on the 28th and I need to bring a list.
We had our meeting with the principal of the Catholic school last week. We liked her and her enthusiasm for the school very much. We'll attend their open house next month and have DS shadow for a day. Our minds are pretty much made up though. He'll finish the year in public school and transfer for 3rd grade. Our church may offer a partial scholarship. Even though we're not a Catholic church our priest is very supportive of DS being in the school. I'd like it all settled now, not being the patient sort, but there's no rush.
Snow day!!!
They called it last night so I even got to sleep in. Sort of. We forgot to tell the dogs....
and DH's school didn't call until 5:30 am. So I was woken up a few times.
I've used my time to make an Irish cable knitted ear warmer headband out the softest merino/alpaca/silk blend I picked up yesterday after school knowing I'd probably have the day to do it. I finished it last night!!! I did a little sorting and cleaning and made homemade doughnuts. I think I've earned a little break and may sit and doze with DS on the sofa for a bit.
I had an email this morning from the wonderful gentleman who served as our translator when we were adopting DS in Russia. He was trying to contact another family with whom he's kept in touch but his recent emails were getting bounced as spam. He asked if I could forward a note to them which I did successfully. I immediately heard back from the mom and we've been sharing experiences and pictures throughout the day. A happy by product of the bouncing emails~new friends with two kids born in the same city as DS!
With the timing of this storm we may even have a delayed opening tomorrow. Then one day and vacation is here!
The ducks are out in the snow, the chickens are much smarter. The puppy is loving it. The kiddo is happy too. Life is good today.
We had a snow day today too,... we got a dumping of about a foot, and it just stopped snowing a few hours ago. the kids had a blast--a 13 yo and an 11 yo out building forts and tunnels in the snow, and sliding down the ditch with the sled like they did when they were little. It was nice.
I do love a snow day!
Took a nap and then contacted the breeder where my friend got her German angora bunny. She should have several litters ready to go in May! DH thinks I'm nuts but I can't help myself. I can't have sheep so this is one way I can have fiber.