big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
OMG how frustrating! I would have done the exact same thing! Good for you!
When Sam was a baby we lived in a duplex that had a shared yard. The new neighbors moved in with a great dane. They said they would put up a fence but never did.
Every night that big dog barked at us through the window while we tried to eat dinner.
(And pooped on our side of the yard! Double ->
They were never home so finally I called the police one night after hours and hours of barking through our windows. It was like Chinese water torture! (He was tall enough to look into all of our back windows.)
I thought they were the rudest people I had ever encountered. I mean, I had a baby for goodness sake, how in the world am I supposed to put her down for a nap or to bed???
Finally the lady got pregnant and the dog went bye bye.
Gee thanks....a little too late, we moved shortly after that.
I'll never forget that miserable experience with a rude neighbor's dog.
Oh by the way that dog was so sweet, it was the owner's fault for ignoring the poor beast.
When Sam was a baby we lived in a duplex that had a shared yard. The new neighbors moved in with a great dane. They said they would put up a fence but never did.
Every night that big dog barked at us through the window while we tried to eat dinner.

They were never home so finally I called the police one night after hours and hours of barking through our windows. It was like Chinese water torture! (He was tall enough to look into all of our back windows.)
I thought they were the rudest people I had ever encountered. I mean, I had a baby for goodness sake, how in the world am I supposed to put her down for a nap or to bed???
Finally the lady got pregnant and the dog went bye bye.
Oh by the way that dog was so sweet, it was the owner's fault for ignoring the poor beast.