herbal help for dog having siezures?


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I am glad that you figured that out for your dog. Mine get Victor dog food and I also can chicken backs, necks, heart, liver and gizzards for the dogs with a cup of cooked rice in the quart jar. They love it!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
More details, Bay... please. Backs and necks, bone and all?
I put a cup of COOKED rice in a quart jar. Then I put in two back pieces. I always cut the back into two pieces, so basically it is the back from neck to tail from one chicken. Then the neck, liver, gizzard and heart. We like the fried livers and gizzards, but only from young chickens. Sometimes we win, sometimes the dogs win. LOL In season, I will put in green beans or squash (raw) and then boiling water to fill, then can per instructions for canning chicken, bone in. After 90 minutes of pressure canning, the bones are pretty much mush. The dogs ADORE it.

I also keep hog liver and heart, sheep liver, heart and kidneys and can the same way. Cup of cooked rice, veggies if in season, and the dogs like it, not as much as the chicken, but they like it.

I do not do raw pack with the chicken or the pork/sheep liver, heart. The meat shrinks when cooked, so I guess I am pre-shrinking so it will fit better.

Veggies, zucchini, yellow squash, green beans, peas, carrots, whatever you have available. They take on the flavor of the meat.

I call my husband the gourmet dog food cooker. He mixes the home canned with their kibble, a little milk, maybe some meat grease, I make "dog gravy" when I fry meat (we sure don't need it LOL).


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 30, 2019
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Hello everyone. I wander in here every now and then but I havent posted hardly anything.

I am wondering if anyone could recommend something to help my dog who is having seizures. Hes a shelti/beagle/who-knows-what that is about 8yrs old. Ive only observed about two a month of the full-blown ones. Those last no more than 2 mins and he is up and back to normal within 5mins afterward. I have noticed that he has small tremors in his face or legs MUCH more often. Sometimes several in an hour.

My vet says that we will need to do several hundred dollars in tests and that regardless of the results he will be put on 1 of 3 common anti-seizure meds. I dont understand why we cant simply put him on the meds if that is what the result will be anyway.. However, it is what it is.
I asked on The Easy Garden and was told that I would surely find help here.
The two most commonly used prescription anti-seizure medications for pets are phenobarbital (PB) and potassium bromide (KBr or K-BroVet Potassium Bromide). I keep some in my drawer. I hope I would never need to use them.