Hey everyone!!!

Country homesteader

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 7A (Crewe, Virginia)
Hello! Hope all is well with everyone! I couldn't regain access to my account (Country Homesteader) so i had to make a new one. If the admins can assist me on regaining access to my other account I would greatly appreciate it seeing how I have updates and major milestones (including tragic events) I would love to fill you all in on

Country homesteader

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 7A (Crewe, Virginia)
While admin is trying to locate my old account and restore it I might as well fill in with what's been going on with me lately. I don't know if I told you all but I moved back to Virginia in May 2020 with the guy I was with before. I know I know I took steps backward but those steps backward was the best move for me (will fill you in later). Due to covid we had to give up the house we was renting so we moved back to Amelia Court House where we lived before our move in Feb 2019. Well, we didn't move back to that house but we are right next door to it. In November 2020 I found out that my Mom had lung cancer, I kept in contact with her though so when I got the call everyone dreads getting in June 2021 I wasn't prepared. 2021 came in like any new year nothing special then in May 2021 I was given a Beagle puppy for my birthday, his name is Kozmo. She had beat the lung cancer in February or March 2021 but her potassium level was very low and she had to keep going to the hospital for that plus her antibodies kept attacking her immune system so that was another reason she had to keep going to the hospital. Now to get back to the phone call it was June 20,2021, we had just gotten home from visiting our neighbors when my Aunt (my Moms youngest sister) called me, My Mom was in the hospital ( she had been in the hospital for a couple days due to her potassium level and her antibodies attacking her immune system), earlier that day she had 17 minute heart attack ( how the heck does a person in the hospital have that long of a heart attack?) on life support and they were going to pull the plug the next day seeing how there was no brain activity I did get a chance to do a call to say my goodbyes and while I was on that call I was told that she was gone she was brain dead that night really was a depressing night (didn't hardly sleep at all). The next morning first thing as soon as I knew my neighbor was awake I went over there and that's where I was when the call came in that she was gone. I stayed at my neighbors that day until it was time for my boyfriend to come home and I was still a wreck!!!! I did end up going to her services even though none of my sisters had wanted me there. Skip ahead a few months so now it's the holiday season looked forward to Thanksgiving but had a hard day that day but I guess my Mom was right next to me and helped me get through it with no major breakdowns (had a couple small minor ones though) so now it's going into Christmas and decorating, baking and so forth. I wasn't really happy did lots of crying and saying "what if" and now it's Christmas Eve and we are celebrating at our neighbors opening up presents, eating food, listening to the sounds of the season so I was shocked when my boyfriend got down on one and proposed to me and of course I said YES!! Now here in a few days it's going to be St. Paddy's Day and I'm in the middle of planning our wedding which isn't until next year (tentative date) June 24, 2023. So far got the theme (Hawaiian), got a color pallete (purple, green and ivory cream/beige), got examples of the Save the Date cards and the actual invites made, got the base for the wedding favors cut, got the entire wedding party situated. so I think we've got a good start on the plans.
Sorry so lengthy but I was trying to catch everyone up
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Country homesteader

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 7A (Crewe, Virginia)
Thanks for sharing some lows and highs, I wasn't on here when you were before but I am excited to learn from you and 'get to know you' better.
Right now I'm not being self sufficient but I'm trying to get there. If I can regain access to my old account if I remember correctly I did post some helpful hints but I think you are still able to view those post, they are under Country Homesteader

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