If I only did one plant hubby would eat them all and I would get nothing. I am plating about a DOZEN cherry tomato plants. I may even get some this year!
They sound cool but always be skeptical when men start telling you the size of stuff. They can't measure worth anything apparently.
Just being a brat for a minute.
Now, do you have an extension ladder with which to harvest these maters???
Sally, if they are fantastic producers, take some pics and sell us some of the seeds as well. Heck....50 seeds? It will take you years to even use that many for cherry tomato plants...those things put out tremendous yields! Of course, you could sell the harvest...cherry tomatoes bring a big price in the stores.
Are they determinate or indeterminate? You need to know if you will be getting hundreds of bushels of little orbs all at once! I learned what those words meant when I planted two Santa tomatoes in earth boxes at our previous apartment, and they grew at least 12 feet (grew up my stakes then grew back down to the ground, would've kept growing but we ran out of summer!) and the tomatoes ripened all at once, late in the season. Not what I was looking for! Delicious, but too much all at once and not enough all summer.
A tomato story for you, BBH: When my dog, Gunnar, was a youngster, I was in the kitchen with some beads I'd bought all spread out on the floor while I admired them, and I was sitting on the floor with my back to the counter. I liked to look at my bead strands this way because the floor is off-white and the light is good, and I tend to be a floor-sitter anyways, having spent my childhood coming inside last all the time and there was no place left to sit for tv watching.
Anyhoo, I heard a scramble-scramble-CRASH and couldn't turn around it time to see what the pup was up to. Scramble-scramble-CRASH again. So I moved so I was on the other side of my beads so I could watch him at the same time.
I'd given him a couple of cherry tomatoes earlier, and left the basket on the counter above the dishwasher. He was trying to jump onto the counter to get to the tomatoes and he would get his front paws on the counter, then scramble-scramble with his back feet on the front of the dishwasher....then fall, CRASH! to the floor! Silly pooch! Still loves his cherry tomatoes!
I don't see why you would want something of the sort. I guess maybe for selling future seeds more as a novelty, but really, for household purposes, it's not what I would want. Especially not for $10, lol. It's not a lot in the big scheme of things, but, really, $10 purchases add up, especially if you're spending $10 for one packet of seeds. :/
I tend to agree. You can buy heirloom seeds for far, far less. I might have a few to send you...can't remember if I used up the entire packet of Brandywine or not. Beefsteak. I also bought Marglobe.
When I lived in Escondido up in the hills there were wild cherry tomaotes climbing around everywhere. Don't know how long they were but could easy have been 16 feet long. they were the most incredible tomaotes I have ever, ever had. I still think of them 35 years ago now.
If heirloom is important to you for a rare plant go for it.