Lovin' The Homestead
Welcome Kala!
Sounds like you are going to have a great time, if not a lot of work to do! Getting all the animals at once is a lot to handle, so I suggest you start out with just one type. And do your research first! I see so many people who go out and get a bunch of chickens, then don't have a clue what to do with them when they get home. They don't have a coop ready or anything!
We all try to do a little something to be more SS, but you don't have to go nuts and try to do everything. The SS lifestyle is great for part-time work. I am a substitute teacher, and I lived off the grid, with chickens and a big garden, etc for 8 years. It is REALLY hard to be completely SS and work fulltime. It takes way more time to make your own cheese than to just buy it at the store!
Ma Ingalls in Little House definitely couldn't have done all that she did with a full time job!
We all try to do a little something to be more SS, but you don't have to go nuts and try to do everything. The SS lifestyle is great for part-time work. I am a substitute teacher, and I lived off the grid, with chickens and a big garden, etc for 8 years. It is REALLY hard to be completely SS and work fulltime. It takes way more time to make your own cheese than to just buy it at the store!
Ma Ingalls in Little House definitely couldn't have done all that she did with a full time job!