High fructose corn syrup contains mercury!


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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Watching the 700 club last week one night as I could not go to sleep, they did a story on this too with 3 Dr's, claiming it is bad for us. They mentioned hypertension & high cholestorol as other issues it causes & that most people who have been diagnosed with these problems(type 2 diabetes too) could get them under control & possibly get rid of their meds if they eliminate HFCS from their diet. Pretty scary isn't it?


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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DId they mention non-alcoholic fatty liver disease? This is becoming more and more common in kids due to HFC and an over abundance of fruit juice in their diets.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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problem is all processed foods in some way is bad.

even frozen broccoli and stuff like that are "doctored" before froze and bagged.

so a little hfcs is not bad for you....if you moderate.

don't get me wrong, I ain't saying it is good for you or to eat the hound out of it but it can't be avoided. at some time we all eat the processed stuff.

if it is processed, then something was done to it that altered its state. just the fruit coming from one state to another...it is gassed in the truck to ripen it before delivery. things are radiated and more.

so while it is scary definitely......we can't avoid it all together.

it is the high diet of this foods that is killing our country. seriously parents need to get on the ball and cook better...simple as that and leave the nasty stuff as a treat.

weird huh, the nasty stuff is the treat usually...LOL


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
freemotion said:
Oh, good grief!!! :rant :somad Another reason to be ss! We eliminated HFCS from our diets a few years ago, thank goodness.
I admire you. That must have extremely difficult.

Even many "good" things like yogurt and granola have HFCS.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I know I talked about this elsewhere but I can't encourage parents enough to fight the school systems to change school lunch and breakfast programs.

I am currently reading Little Sugar Addicts and it is like glimpsing into the brain of my children. I am trying to be more ss and want desperately to grow my own food, can, and freeze my own produce and eliminate processed foods from our diets. I have to admit that sending my children to school where they will be surrounded by other children that drink soda like water and eat sugar 24-7 scares the beejeezus out of me. I am considering homeschooling but I am worried about my own sanity since my kids are so little (1 and 3).

It is tremendous how sugar and poor dietary habits affect one's body. One of the illustrations in the book mentioned above was an experiment where dextrose was given to an orb spider and the web that was spun was compared to an unaltered spider. WOW! They did another one with caffeine and it was even worse.

I think that all of us on here are all taking the steps to change our lives and our children's lives and grandchildren's lives. I applaud all the parents that are making changes for the better and hope that the rest of this country will be able to open their eyes and see what we are doing to ourselves.

Great thread, btw! :D


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
When my youngest was 3 they did allergy testing on him and one of the tests was placing sugar under his tongue. Within a few minutes he had made a circuit of the room and touched everything he saw...was wound tighter than an eight day clock! Same result with red dye. So, as a consequence, we severely cut out things of this nature, as well as MSG, from our diets.

I've read that, with some children, exposure to these types of additives produces elevated results and it was certainly the case with my youngest. Just like now, the studies about mercury levels being associated with autism, ADD, etc. Where they seem to get held up is that not all kids react to these substances in an adverse way, so the government/FDA can conceivably say that small amounts of mercury aren't harmful.

They fail to mention that some people cannot eliminate heavy metals like others, so even tiny amounts build up into toxic levels in some children/adults. For these people, I would venture to say that HFCS is very harmful, even in small amounts. When you calculate just how many foods have this in it~pop for one~you can only imagine how quickly these "tiny amounts" build up in the system.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
lorihadams said:
I know I talked about this elsewhere but I can't encourage parents enough to fight the school systems to change school lunch and breakfast programs.

I am currently reading Little Sugar Addicts and it is like glimpsing into the brain of my children. I am trying to be more ss and want desperately to grow my own food, can, and freeze my own produce and eliminate processed foods from our diets. I have to admit that sending my children to school where they will be surrounded by other children that drink soda like water and eat sugar 24-7 scares the beejeezus out of me. I am considering homeschooling but I am worried about my own sanity since my kids are so little (1 and 3).

It is tremendous how sugar and poor dietary habits affect one's body. One of the illustrations in the book mentioned above was an experiment where dextrose was given to an orb spider and the web that was spun was compared to an unaltered spider. WOW! They did another one with caffeine and it was even worse.

I think that all of us on here are all taking the steps to change our lives and our children's lives and grandchildren's lives. I applaud all the parents that are making changes for the better and hope that the rest of this country will be able to open their eyes and see what we are doing to ourselves.

Great thread, btw! :D
Holy cow! I couldn't agree more! That stuff is pure crap and then kids are supposed to go function well. My son's friend says he wishes his mom would pack a lunch but she doesn't have time in the morning. I'm telling you, I don't want to be insensitive, but kids need to be fed decently!

Don't get me started on the parties at school. Last year's x-mas party, my son ate literally about 15 different treats, all food dyed, processed. We really don't do much vomiting around here, but everything came out of him that night. The food dye was so intense that we will never get his carpet clean. Uggghhh! Not happy about the carpet but glad his body got rid of it all.

Yes, it takes time to read labels and prepare food. Ok--I'm preaching to the choir here. It just gets me so riled up since nutrition has so much to do with everything about a child's health. It's heartbreaking to see kids struggling with obesity, poor fitness levels, self esteem issues and other unseen health issues because of the food choices their parents have made.

Alright, heading back down off the soapbox...

Oh, one more thing ;) Even the cold lunches are atrocious. Granola bars and storebought yogurt are usually pretty awful. You really have to look to find food that doesn't have trans fat or HCFS in it. Kudos to all of you who already do this! And, despite what my husband says, fruits and vegetables NEVER end up being the bad guys in some health study or another.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I saw a story on sugar and kids on Discovery Channel.

control groups.

one party on high sugar......one party in another room on good foods and controlled sugar.

There was no difference in the kids. All were wild at some point in the party. They played the same, did the same running around and wore out the parents the same.

The documentary conclusion was no "high" from sugar was real.

And of course it was more involved, with the technical stuff about sugar in the system...etc. etc.

I don't see a diff. in Nicole when she has sugar actually....but everyone sure is different.

Very interesting documentary.

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
I've always thought that some of the problem is the amount of calories that children consume. In animals (horse especially) some get fat when overfed but some just get crtazy with unused energy- depending on the animal.
I really feel that excess calories plus almost no real exercise makes for at least some of what's called ADHD in some kids
But beside that, childs do get excited - that's one of the things that makes them kids.

RE: suger- I don't know if it causes excess energy but I bet that it does cause increased caloric intake.

Besides sugar left me with a sweetness hangover if I get too much.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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even frozen broccoli and stuff like that are "doctored" before froze and bagged.
Actually there was recently a study that showed, since frozen veggies are picked and frozen so quickly, they can contain more nutrients than store bought fresh veggies.

Just avoid those fancy veggie mixes with added sauces and frozen veggies are just fine.

As far as kid behavior on and off sugar, I would have to see how the experiment was constructed. If one batch of kids didn't get sugar, but were still getting flour, rice, or potatoes, well, that is really just sugar. The sugar and non-sugar groups could be getting an equal amount of carbohydrates (which is all SUGAR once digested), so the test would tell us absolutely nothing.