Holachicka ~ Up till 3 am, but...


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Folsom, Ca
Hill, I'm hoping my two year old does well, sitting quietly, because I'd REALLY love to volunteer. We have been talking to our son a lot about it. Talking about the stuff we saw at orientation, going to the cafeteria for lunch and snacks, making new friends, doing crafts with the teacher... He seems excited and keeps asking me if it's "the next day" yet so he can go to school. :love

Neko, I know! He's my baby! and my first in school. I know I'll be a lot more relaxed about DD going...

So, today I got SOME things done... Took care of the tomatoes, blanched the corn but still have to pop it in the freezer, and I forgot to add to my list clean out the fridge... THAT TOOK 2 HOURS!!! the funny thing about me: I am a bit of a slob. I leave things out, plan to clean up later ect. But when I start a project, I am a perfectionist. So cleaning out the fridge involved not only taking out the food, and wiping down the shelves. Me and my OCD-ness had to take the shelves and drawers APART and clean every nook and cranny. then had to go back and clean the inside of the fridge itself. Then I even cleaned all of the containers that went back into the fridge. I used a bleach/water solution and my hands are not too happy. :rolleyes:

I got out and harvested the garden, but forgot to water :th and now I need to finish my cheese. I'll probably mark my eggs tonight and set them under the broody tomorrow. Oh, and if I don't make bread my DH will probably cry.

I need to find a recipe to use up all these bell peppers and anaheim chili's any ideas??? :fl I wanted to make the roasted red pepper spread, but I don't have enough that are red! most are green and purple, with a few red ones. I just can't find any canning recipies! gotta be water bath by the way. I might make some chili sauce, it uses a lot of bell peppers, but what do you do with the home canned chili sauce?

Looks like it's gonna be a late night for me.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Folsom, Ca
Up till three am. BUT.... I got all the strawberries and plums done. Strawberry sauce, we'll use for desserts, yogurt and oatmeal, strawberry plum jam, and plum jam. I also made goat milk ice cream, and added some fresh strawberries to it. YUM!

Onto the peppers...:hide I hope we like the chili sauce! I'm going to make two kinds, green: using green tomatoes, bell peppers and some other ingredients, and the regular. Using red tomatoes. I've never even tasted chili sauce! What do I use it for?????? Oh well. I guess I'll find out soon enough. Wish me luck, or if you have any better ideas for these peppers, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know!!

Got a load of hay coming this evening, $10 a bale delivered. (pretty good price for around here)

Oh! Hotpants the llamais doing VERY good. She dug up some really old barbed wire out in the pasture yesterday and it was stuck to her coat and wrapped around one leg. She was a very good girl and I was able to hold her halter while DH set her free. She's getting better and better about being handled!

My kitchen is a disaster after my canning weekend, off to go bulldoze through it and then start chop chop chopping for the next canning experiment...


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
try chili sauce instead of ketchup on meat loaf? or instead of cocktail sauce for shrimp. We had baked cod last night and I put my home made salsa on top- it was wonderful!

I would try tasting the chili sauce by itself first, to get a good sense of what you have. You will then be able to figure out what to use it for more easily.

and your strawberry plum jam sounds wonderful!

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