Crazy Cat Lady
I can understand that, my 6 yr old has gone through a few phases of really wanting to do workbook type things Have you considered making one yourself? Either handwritten or on computer/printer. And that way it can be tailored to his level and his interests.tortoise said:Pat - he just LOVES the "workbook." Really it's just the complete mom-attention that he loves.
For a while, when he was maybe 4.5 (?), my aforementioned son was *nuts* for having me make simple forms to fill in (he called them "doing taxes" ) or a treasure-hunt of notes to find and follow (you know, first note says "look under your bed", and there he finds a note saying "look under cat bowl", where he finds "under sofa", etc, leading to some little prize at end)
He also went thru a phase where he liked me to write a simple sentence or list of objects and adjectives, and then he'd draw a picture to illustrate it. Like, "a purple pig sitting under two trees", or "a green hairy 3-armed 3-eyed monster wearing socks".
(the latter game I remember my 1st grade teacher doing to keep me quietly occupied in a corner as I was apparently somewhat obnoxious yet advanced in class... three thumbs up to Mrs Courter back in, what, 1971 ...I remember it *very* fondly and DS#1 sure likes it too )