Sounds like BILTONG - look that uproosmom said:On the food network they have a show called "Good Eats" with alton brown. He showed how to truly dehydrate. With no heat.
You buy a couple pleated furnace filters (not fiberglass!), and a box fan. You put your meat in the freezer until very very firm. Take it out and slice it diagonally with out handling it to much. Put your salt and spices on. lay the meat strips into the pleats. When you are done grab another filter and stack it on top and repeat with meat. When the meat is all layered and the filters all stacked you finish the stack off with one extra filter.
Hold the stack up to the front of the fan and attach it with bungee cords.
Turn fan on high and aim it outside. In twelve - 24 hrs you will have true jerky (like the eskimoes make lol) this works outside also.
I want to try this when hubby gets a deer, yum.