Crazy Cat Lady
I don't generally even try to eat any flesh that remains on the bones after 2-8+ hours of simmering -- all the goodness has gone out of it into the stock anyhow, and it is either mush or like carpet fibers, depending. Sometimes I give the chickens the remains of the stewed carcass to pick over, though, and THEY sure seem to like it 
I usually save the drippings from roast chicken separately, for making the saucey part of chicken pot pie or chicken noodle casserole. Mmmm
We seem to have a lot of threads going lately that are really making me hungry...
I usually save the drippings from roast chicken separately, for making the saucey part of chicken pot pie or chicken noodle casserole. Mmmm
We seem to have a lot of threads going lately that are really making me hungry...
