Sustainability Master
I've been laughing at how some of the new gardeners here are frantically trying to source llama poo- somehow they think it's more magical than goat poo, which is a lot easier to get hold of here.I've often heard goat poop called magic raisins. I would like some goats and sheep but will have to wait until this winter. I'm kind of burned out on building fencing for a while. Plus Bekaert Sheep and Goat 30 1348-4 12.5 ga 330' fence and 6 foot t-posts are crazy money right now.
Jesus is Lord and Christ
DH pointed out that pee works as well as store-bought ammonia, but it's a bit more concentrated. Plus I've heard that the smell (even dilute) tends to repel a lot of 4 legged pests.
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