I've never made a soap specifically for dishwashing although I have just used my regular soap to wash dishes with before. I should look into trying something...it would need to have a lot of coconut oil in the recipe I'm guessing. And to make it liquid, it would have to be made with potassium hydroxide instead of sodium hydroxide.
Looks like most of the sites I googled use castile soap and washing soda blends but I'm not sure how good it will cut grease.
Does anyone have a recipe for homemade liquid dish detergent? I would like to get away from using Dawn (dang petroleum based products!) and move to something homemade. We do have the challenge that our city water is hard and so soap does not suds very much at all. I am constantly putting more dish soap on the rag when I was things, which is annoying, but otherwise, I don't feel like they get clean.
Thanks for the suggestions!!