Crazy Cat Lady
It's not difficult to make mayonnaise by hand if your blender-stick thingie isn't working out. No more difficult than beating eggwhites or whipping cream by hand, neither of which is anything as difficult as those who haven't tried it often think 
The only thing is that if you're making mayonnaise by hand it is almost essential to have either a firmly-fixed bowl (e.g one you can hold firmly between your knees) or a helper to drizzle the oil in.
But it's not hard. Just when you think your arm is going to fall off, you discover you're done
The only thing is that if you're making mayonnaise by hand it is almost essential to have either a firmly-fixed bowl (e.g one you can hold firmly between your knees) or a helper to drizzle the oil in.
But it's not hard. Just when you think your arm is going to fall off, you discover you're done