I was searching through some of my old documents today. I found something I believe I had posted on BYC opposing the cons of homeschooling; about my public school to online school transition. I decided I'd share it with you. Ok, so I guess most of it is beside the point, but I'll throw it out there.
"I'm not exactly homeschooled;
At my old public school over half of the kids use drugs, quite a few are pregnant and I've heard way too much about who has STDs.. Aside from all the usual drama and the jerks, shootings, bomb and stabbing threats... it def wasn't worth any of it. And of course the needs of the students went according to their last name and family's place in society.. my family of self sufficient farmer types didn't have the greatest name..
The real hitter was a lot of the teachers, if you didn't understand something the first time, it was kind of like tough luck. It didn't help that I went to one of the worst schools in MN, the whole system was pretty corrupted and not many people cared. In band my friend wanted to play the flute, he has his own already and is great at it but the band teacher wouldn't let him because it was a 'female instrument', I on the other hand played French horn, but there was a whole 2 notes that I couldn't get, I asked the instructer for help, he said he'd plan the next day after school to help me, he never showed up and I was told to return the instrument.
I had one specific teacher(sub phyEd) who would swear at me (and several others) daily, to my face and behind my back, as well as spew racial insults at me (even though I'm white, and a pale one at that) everyone else thought it was funny
My mom contacted the head and they said that they would fire him, but when I left the school they still had him around. I left the public school and joined an online school; they had meetings, events, and other things around the state as well as teachers who would call weekly besides email frequently. The school unfortunatly 'remodeled' and changed everything around, so I decided to try public school again.
The lady handling class set ups and switches (who also hates my grandmother, so that could be a factor) lied to my face telling me that they did not have my transcript from the other school and refused to give me the classes I needed, so I wouldn't have enough credits to graduate. I talked to the principal and he found it in her desk but by then it was too late to switch classes without getting an F in them.
I left the school after a week and a half. In those 7 days I was offered a variety of drugs 3 times, one of which the teacher saw and asked what was in the chewing tobacco container and the kid said that it was jerky, but it was really some white powder stuff, the teacher believed him and left it at that, how convenient (wrestling school jock). Anyway, as I said I left and joined a different online school, where I currently am, and I'm very happy and get A's. I can complete my classes in whatever order I want, sleep in, do a week's worth of a subject in one day, stay up til midnight doing it, take a break, take a day off to make soap or cheese, whatever schedule works best for me, as long as I get it all by the deadlines.
Anyway, my horrible experience revealed; I think it definitely depends on your local public school, some public schools are absolutely great and kids can do great in them. Others are like mine.
Homeschooling in general... I believe that if the parent does not enforce curriculum or whatever it may be and lets the kid do whatever, obviously will not succeed. Those people give a bad name to home schoolers because they no where near possess the ability to teach others that sort of thing.. So yes, parental involvement is the biggest part of it. It all depends on the kids needs, what the school is willing to provide, you have to pick and choose what is right.
I'm with the OP on sports and prom.. It usually goes by who has the better last name and how well you look. I was never considered good enough for sports and prom.. def overrated.. do you know how much that costs now days?!? I was asked by a couple girls from the old school but declined.
Oh, I also wanted to add about what others were saying as being basically socially retarded.. In public school I was like #1 social outcast and was pretty shy, just didn't fit in or spoke up from fear of being rejected. Now I can easily talk to strangers and whomever, I really don't care what they think now, and long as I'm being me I'm ok "
Wow Blackbird the goat whisperer, what a meaningful post! That spoke volumes to me.
I sure hope we can be the parents we need to be and get our trouble boy back on track. We sure see a nice side of him, with the chickens, goats and dogs, and when we spend time with him.