makes me wonder, Is age really a factor for us getting weak? Sure our muscles decrease because of ageing but there is actually a lot of individuals that are stronger with age.FIRM believer in staying active ! I climb more gates than I open...simply for the activity, balance, variance of movement in doing so.
You are right, Beekissed -- best to do all you can, as long as you can to keep muscles working. Unfortunately, there are some who cannot do so anymore. But do if you can!!
@Lazy Gardener, my tractor allows me to do some things that would take two people, saves me time for some jobs (mowing), allows me to dig ditches with attachments rather than a shovel, grade, lift, pull. Really, better than many hired hands. No backtalk.
It was bought for many years of use. Still physical to switch out attachments, etc. I find more uses every week...small stuff, load the front loader with tools, buckets, feed, posts...take to location in one trip, lift to load from truck, etc. I use it to put my window AC in and out...set in front loader, drive to window, line up, lift...go slide it in.
No need to wait on help.