Hunting Crazy
I thoguht those goats were dogs at first. 

Wow they are so beautiful! I would love to have one.enjoy the ride said:I raise goats- only 2-3 does. They are Boers. The girls are for weed eating and making kids for meat.
I have had two heavy doeling years in a row but luckily for me one of my goats is much admired and I have been able to trade every doeling for bucklings so I have yet to have to send a doeling off for meat.
I don't know if it is cost effective but I know where these animals are raise- they have good, healthy lives til the end.
This is Tmber and this years doelings-
DANG!FarmerChick said:We farm for profit.
80 acres in hay give or take
10 acres in produce to sell weekends at farmers markets.
70-80 boer goats. meat goats for sale at auctions, make goat milk soap in the house and sell (big business now my soap), make definite profit on eggs, 400 chickens. 100 hogs for sausage we sell after processing. Do not sell live hogs, we need them all for the year. Definite profit.
we do value added for produce....our corn, most sold in husks, then we shuck smaller corns and cut bad parts and bag and call that bag "kid nibblers"---sell like crazy for $5 per bag. Then we also make a bag of "to go toppings" for salads....we put some hot peppers, bell peppers, cukes, tomatoe or 2, etc. etc. in a bag and sell as 1 unit and charge alot and get it. People want to buy that convenience. Alot of work for us on harvest day before the market but we provide what they want and we make extra money on those iitems for our work time. So works well for us.
I won't do anything on the farm that will not make money. I experiment very carefully....I need my money to operate the real expense of what I have operating vs. losing money on experiments.
Like I bought 100 buff orphingtons. 50 male, 50 female. Sold the males for $10 each (made a smidgen of money)--then hubby decides to keep my girls for the henhouse production. Well "MY EXPERIMENT" to see true profit etc. went down the tubes. I wanted to complete this project.....oh well...I got an idea and it wasn't going to pay cause cost of buying those chicks was too high to start. oh well....I work on things like this carefully now cause like another poster said---TOO MANY IRONS IN THE PAN and real fast you get $$ to death cause you lose control over way too much work and involvement.
real fun to read this thread on what everyone is doing.
sorry, but it still seems like a lot on paper or not.FarmerChick said:hey everyone
it isn't as "big" as it sounds on paper..LOL
the hogs require 2 hog barns, they are on open dirt floors with open pasture to the outside--that is the big ones getting ready for processing. They have automatic waterers and automatic feeders for the bigg'ins. The "other sizes" from little to medium being raised up for replacement are in stalls with outside run pens. We hand water and hand feed those. Not too hard. My father in law Ralph is the main pig rangler..LOL thank goodness for him.
Goats are pasture kept. I hand feed them. I have long feed troughs in a penned in separate area. When I feed I go in and fill up the feed and then open the gate and let them in. If not I am run over, jumped on, pushed over..LOL..they are quite energetic and big. My buck is about 250 lbs. Monster and he can hurt ya bad. Friendly but size is his advantage. We have big water troughs we clean and fill for them. We built 2 kidding barns for mom and babies when they kid out. Good to keep the babies separate for about 4 days for them to get their feet under them, then they are let us with the herd. I have about 50 goats kidding at one time...ugh....if it all goes well it is great most times. If not, the babies can require alot fo care and time. Do all I can not to lose any cause that is my money for feeding them..HA HA
Summer they are fed every 3 days cause pasture is great. Winter is hay and feed everyday. Kids bring aobut $1-1.25 per lb. Best to sell them during the holiday seasons that coincide with latino type events. Best money then so we breed to hit those dates.
Hay is easy except at baling time..LOL
Price of lime and fertilizer is horrible now..EKK
10 acres of produce is everything. Taters, greens, onions, maters, cukes, squash etc. etc. etc. Corn is about 20 acres and watermelons is about 2 acres. All this is sold on saturdays at the markets. We do 3 markets and make between $1500-2000--which sounds wonderful but there are tons of expenses out of that.
400 chickens in old hog barns under cover with outside fenced pasture. Nothing can run free here....it gets attacked..LOL...they are on monster feeders and waters. Eggs gathered 2 times per day. I have 4 refrigs. at my house and wash eggs everyday and store til market day. about 100 dozen eggs give or take per week are sold.
It certainly keeps me hopping big time. Worst day is Friday. Harvest early AM then come home and wash all produce, make value added things, and this is an all day killer...but we like it..HA HA
I wanted to do more and more things but realized with Tony, me and his Dad..the 3 of us are at our limits. Can't do anymore.
We are a small farm compared to some that do the market, but alot of the farmers at the market do their business on like 10 acres. So much can be done on small acerage for profit.
Biggest problem ---numer 1 problem----having animals keeps you tied down big time 24/7--365 per year. Very hard to get away for vacation (what's that)---lol---we love to camp and can never leave long...things like that. Animals need meds, care, etc. and die and cost money. At least with the produce if a tomatoe plant dies it is not as horrible.
Farm pets---ugh---they cost money--LOL--I have about 20 goats out of the herd that Tony is not allowed to sell EVER. That makes him mad but I can't help it. I don't care about the money I lose etc. Pets are pets...HA HA
so all in all, alot of work, fun hard times, but also decent money. like any farm I guess..
sorry no pics, camera died and haven't bought a new one yet. might hit a store and get one or have Tony get me one for Christmas or something.