the funny farm6
Super Self-Sufficient
i finaly found a place to buy honey raw and unprocesed. i have heard that honey does not spoil, but my sister is having a fit and says i cant store honey for long periods of time. how long is honey in the jar good for?
honey guarantee:
the honey in this jar has never been warmer than the temperature naturally occurring in the bee hive. it contains all the pollen, enzymes,propolis,and minerals existing in raw unprocessed northeastern wildflower honey and everything but the bees!
u.s. grade A honey
honey guarantee:
the honey in this jar has never been warmer than the temperature naturally occurring in the bee hive. it contains all the pollen, enzymes,propolis,and minerals existing in raw unprocessed northeastern wildflower honey and everything but the bees!
u.s. grade A honey