How are the taste of these meats canned up? Best ways to use them?

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Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
Just for the sake of arguement since everyone seems to be thoroughly enjoying arguing in this thread :p :lol: Who oven cans, and how, and wouldn't that be better anyway? You can surely reach well above botulism murdering temps in an oven. Anybody got the scoop on the logistics of that? I wanna can meats, and I hate pressure canners...thought maybe I could find an alternative in oven canning. Go! :D

Edited becaws I kaint speel werth a karp :p
I have of heard of this but never tried it and probably never will. In WB steam or pressure canning the even temperature and sustained time is partof what makes the home canned or commercially canned food safe. My crummy oven can't bake a cake evenly so temps could vary widely from front to back and side to side. The only thing my oven murders is the items that have to turn out well. A friends mom canned in her oven however it was only a recipe for a yummy fruit cake done in the jars and saved for the holidays. It turned out beautiful.


Power Conserver
Jan 20, 2011
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Sorry Moolie, I don't mind a good squabble. Thats all this is.

In my mind, you have a tendancy to cherry pick the posts for sound bites while ignoring the context around them; your response to my last post and your friend demonstrates this amply. If every little nuance has to be spelled out for all to understand what has been discussed and repeated many times previously, then yes I am in error. I assume people capable of extrapolating from previous posts. Not my problem if they have not read them carefully. You don't. I don't care.

I'll grant you that I failed miserably when trying address some of your posts. My bad. You even use the same language you deny others the right to use. I believe you use the term scare tactics in your own post, and yes I read the whole paragraph in which you used the term, and then you accused others of over using the term fear mongering in the same post. So be it. You may not mean to sound accusing, but that is how you come across. Just as l most likely sound now. Doesn't mean you don't have valid things to say, but you are very quick to put others down in no uncertain terms and its your way or the high way. You also seem to want to keep absolute control over the discussion and won't tolerate any possibility of getting knocked off your perceived pedestal. Not that you or anyone else should care, but I don't believe in celebrity status for anyone.

As to your receiving pms for having your own opinions, I want the world to know, it wasn't me. Say what you want, however you want. I will do the same right here, out in the open. Just know, the printed word according to Moolie has some flaws just like everyone elses.

Last I will say on this, as it is ruining a good thread. You win. I am getting out of the kitchen. Got bigger fish to fry.

My apologies to those who are just trying to get some answers about canning. Your heads must be spinning.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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:rolleyes: Good greif ya'll....even when I try to change the subject to oven canning it gets rejacked...first hijacked and now REjacked...really? Is everybody cycling this week or what? :p

I'm going to google, don't anybody follow me, ya'll stay here and duke it out...I'll find out on my own :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 13, 2007
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Closed at the request of the original poster.
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