Mountain Sage
Bay, both of your ewes in the pics seem to be mixed with I seeing right? Beautiful sheep and beautiful girl, BTW! And that IS a cute pic!
Bay, both of your ewes in the pics seem to be mixed with I seeing right? Beautiful sheep and beautiful girl, BTW! And that IS a cute pic!
Yes, my first 4 ewes were Dorper/Katahdin crosses, bred to a Katahdin ram. I kept 2 ewe lambs from last year and bought a Dorper ram. His first lambs are now about 6 months old. I only had 2 ewe lambs this year, I'll keep them both. The ram's name was Prince, but Grand daughter #1 decided to name the horse we bought her, Prince. So the ram's name is now Ramburger. He is fairly calm for a ram, but I've learned that Dorper rams can get real mean. People that have Katahdin rams claim that most of them don't get mean, maybe little butt-heads, but not mean. And Dorpers color-white or white with a black head, is boring. Katahdins come in all colors and I like that. So......we'll see how it goes....