Mountain Sage long as you hate the US-Duh, you're alright by me!I want to know how each and everyone of you provide for yourself. Do you raise licestock? Do you have a garden? Do you bake bread?
I do raise licestock
I do garden but this one burned up in the severe drought. In the past I've raised some very lovely gardens and love to can up everything I can to put on the cellar shelves.
I do bake bread. Had a great find of about 400# of red turkey wheat that had been sealed for doomsday that a nice man at church gave me. Also gave me a wheat grinder, so now I can grind my own wheat, kneed my own lovely wheat bread and then chow down on it. I feel like the little red hen!
I've got some huge old apple trees, about 13, and the crop was ginormous this year, go figure! :/
Raised meat chickens this past spring and have about 100# of chicken in the freezer, most of it is waiting to be canned into chicken soup stock.
Raised and killed my own bottle calf last year, butchered it here. My sons bowhunt and we process our own deer year after year....then we moved here on my little acre. Still got deer 2 yrs out of 4, so not bad but there won't be any deer this year.
I've been pretty self reliant for a long time and learned a lot of that lifestyle from my mother and my paternal grandmother. As a single parent, self reliance is more the skin you wear than any kind of lifestyle.
Got lots of pics of butchering our own meats and such if anyone wants to see the gore and blood!
P.S. DACE!! How did you know??????

As president and founder member of PISSI(People In Support of Stress-induced Incontinence), it is only natural that I would anoint my chair now and again. Membership is still open for anyone who also must leak now and again.