How did I waste money today?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
eggs4sale said:
I took the kids to Goodwill last night and we bought Star Wars (which comes on satellite every other day) and the Wiggles In Space, which my oldest said "Don't get that, Mom! They're bobbleheads and they're like cartoons! They're not even real!" The 2-year-old already had it clutched to his chest, so I said "You take it away from him." He said "Hmmm" and walked away.

Then I bought a twin-sized comforter COVER just because the fabric design was to die for, but I can't think of a thing to actually do with it. I think it's a cover, anyways... It is two layers with an opening at one end, but no buttons or zipper.... anyone?

I'm such a sucker.

BTW, wanna buy a London Fog trench coat, fur coat, snow suit, or leather jacket dirt cheap? They're in these stores for almost nothing because what would we do with them?????
It's called a duvet, E4S! I've been looking all over for those! Where in the world did you find one?

Never mind....>embarassed< didn't read the whole thread to see that others came up with the word..... :rolleyes:

SO...where did you find it? :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
eggs4sale said:
I took the kids to Goodwill last night and we bought Star Wars (which comes on satellite every other day) and the Wiggles In Space, which my oldest said "Don't get that, Mom! They're bobbleheads and they're like cartoons! They're not even real!" The 2-year-old already had it clutched to his chest, so I said "You take it away from him." He said "Hmmm" and walked away.

Then I bought a twin-sized comforter COVER just because the fabric design was to die for, but I can't think of a thing to actually do with it. I think it's a cover, anyways... It is two layers with an opening at one end, but no buttons or zipper.... anyone?

I'm such a sucker.

BTW, wanna buy a London Fog trench coat, fur coat, snow suit, or leather jacket dirt cheap? They're in these stores for almost nothing because what would we do with them?????
It's called a duvet, E4S! I've been looking all over for those! Where in the world did you find one?

Never mind....>embarassed< didn't read the whole thread to see that others came up with the word..... :rolleyes:

SO...where did you find it? :D
Bee, do you sew? If you do then 2 sheets sewn together will give you a nice cover; I would use the next size up from your bed size - queen sheets if your bed is a double, for example.

And for Islay, yes in America we usually say comforter, and it usually doesnt have a removable cover - though this is changing, and duvets are becoming more popular.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I've thought of that, but I want a pretty duvet and pretty sheets are expensive! Now, if I could find some at a yard sale or something, I would do just that. To buy the material would be so very expensive also.

Sadly, the only sheets I have right now are Walmart specials, solid colors and just not appealing to put on the top of a bed.

Also, I would have to line the sheet/duvet to prevent the color of the comforter from coming through (deep red colored) the pale sheets. This would mean using even more material. I think the commercial duvets are made from a thicker material than sheets?

I love my down comforters but they aren't exactly the color I wanted....but they were cheap, you know? Also, I feel the duvet would help me from having to wash the comforters so much, which seems to be deteriorating the amount of down in the pockets.

If I can help it, I don't ever intend to be without a down comforter. They are the ultimate in warmth and lightweight luxury. One of the best investments I ever made!


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
I've thought of that, but I want a pretty duvet and pretty sheets are expensive! Now, if I could find some at a yard sale or something, I would do just that. To buy the material would be so very expensive also.

Sadly, the only sheets I have right now are Walmart specials, solid colors and just not appealing to put on the top of a bed.

Also, I would have to line the sheet/duvet to prevent the color of the comforter from coming through (deep red colored) the pale sheets. This would mean using even more material. I think the commercial duvets are made from a thicker material than sheets?

I love my down comforters but they aren't exactly the color I wanted....but they were cheap, you know? Also, I feel the duvet would help me from having to wash the comforters so much, which seems to be deteriorating the amount of down in the pockets.

If I can help it, I don't ever intend to be without a down comforter. They are the ultimate in warmth and lightweight luxury. One of the best investments I ever made!
I agree about the down comforters; I learned to love them in Germany, and find that in our relatively mild climate a mid weight comforter is all I need at night (unfortunately DH learned about electric blankets since coming to the US, and needs it on most nights; needless to say, we have a blanket with dual
controls :lol:).
You could make a cover with cheaper sheets, to hide the red color, and when finances allow get prettier sheets for a second cover. This would solve the "washing the down out of the comforter" problem, as well as the color showing through once you have the nicer cover - just put it on over the the other one. You could also maybe use a pretty sheet for the top side, and a cheaper one for the bottom.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
I wasted $10.00 (well, 9.98) on lunch. I always bring my lunch. But today everyone was calling this new place that has rave reviews and one of the employess said. This place has the best onion rings. So I caved in. A hamburger big enough to feed 3 people and 6 greasy, soggy onion rings. $9.98. The burger looked good and would have fed 4 kids but tasted no better than anyother hamburger. Onion rings were awful.
I ate about 4 bites out of the burger and only tasted the onion rings. My dog and the chickens will be happy but tomorrow I will just eat my soup and sandwich. :he


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
I spent almost $10 at the farmer's market today. I was there as a vendor, but it's so much fun to buy things from my fellow vendors :) But, did I really NEED 8 oz of garlic-dill cheese curds and pepper and carrots when I have so many other veggies to eat from my garden? Oh well...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Our biggest money waster is driving the truck a lot because we forget to get something while we're out. The truck is our biggest money waster -_-


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
im gonna post for a friend, he just "HAD TO HAVE" a 2008 F350 dully 4X4 crew cab loaded, he has a farm but no animals, he sold all his horses, has now large trailers to pull, i had to know what the payment is, $700.00 a month. I called him an idiot, in a friend joking way.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
A couple nights ago I did the laundry. It was a small load done special for my daughter to wash the new school clothes we got. Bad enough already, right? Well, I got it all done and she says " I can't find the bottoms to new PJ's" Yep, they were stuck to the top of the washer. (It's a front loader so stuff sticks - I usually check but forgot this time) So I ran the dryer for one pair of PJ shorts.

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