Almost Self-Reliant
Very interesting topic. I read the closed one entirely because I was surprised to see one on here get closed, and that topic hadn't started off this hot. 
I guess I could be labeled a conservative, but I'm not happy with either of the main political parties in the US, so I just try to vote my beliefs.
I'm working toward SS a lot like Ldychef stated, but it sounds like she accomplished a lot more this year than I really did. I want to keep the government out of my business. I also want to be in a position to be able to help those in need; to also see groups like churches be of real help to pick up where governmental social programs inevitably fail. The Church got lazy when we let government (ie Social Security and Welfare) and big business (ie insurance companies) take over where we should have been helping. I see that it has only created more problems for people, trapping them in dependency.
I want to be independent and free, able to roll with the punches that weather, finances, and politics may send my way, which I think is what most all SS people on here really want however you label it.
I guess I could be labeled a conservative, but I'm not happy with either of the main political parties in the US, so I just try to vote my beliefs.
I'm working toward SS a lot like Ldychef stated, but it sounds like she accomplished a lot more this year than I really did. I want to keep the government out of my business. I also want to be in a position to be able to help those in need; to also see groups like churches be of real help to pick up where governmental social programs inevitably fail. The Church got lazy when we let government (ie Social Security and Welfare) and big business (ie insurance companies) take over where we should have been helping. I see that it has only created more problems for people, trapping them in dependency.
I want to be independent and free, able to roll with the punches that weather, finances, and politics may send my way, which I think is what most all SS people on here really want however you label it.