How do i say goodbye to synthroid medication naturally.?


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 13, 2008
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Thanks Mackay, i'll be checking this out....


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 17, 2010
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I appreciate this thread because I come at it from a different angle. I had breast cancer 5 years ago, then a year ago I got thyroid cancer. My thyroid was riddled with cancer and had to be removed. Fortunately, that's healed, although the breast cancer has come back and is now in my bones. I am convinced that the thyroid cancer came because the radiation I had for the breast cancer damaged the thyroid, but the radiation oncologist refused to even consider it (I think she thought I would try to sue her or something).

Interestingly, although the breast cancer has been relentless in its growth through several chemo regimens, it has finally stopped growing, now that I have switched off hormone-soaked meats and chemicals, etc. and now do organic, home produced stuff. Coincidence? I think not.


Enjoys Recycling
Mar 7, 2009
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raro said:
I appreciate this thread because I come at it from a different angle. I had breast cancer 5 years ago, then a year ago I got thyroid cancer.
I'm glad you are doing well. Eating organic is so healthy compared to the processed stuff.

Do you happen to have any root canals in your teeth? I'm just curious because so many naturopaths believe most breast cancers start in the teeth.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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It appears that the understanding of the thyroid gland and its physiologic function has escaped this discussion. I would recommend the reading of "Medical Physiology" by Arthur Guyton for a complete and accurate description of the thyroid feedback pathways.

It all starts in the brain. Thyroid Stimulating hormone-Releasing Hormone stimulates the pituitary gland to make Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, which in turn feeds to the Thyroid gland to make Thyroid hormone (T3) Tri-Iodothyronine.

T3 thyroid hormone normally synthesized and secreted by the thyroid gland in much smaller quantities than thyroxine (T4). Most T3 is derived from peripheral monodeiodination of T4 at the 5' position of the outer ring of the iodothyronine nucleus. The hormone finally delivered and used by the tissues is mainly T3. (simply put, the body clips off one iodine molecule from T4 to make T3)

levothyroxine; L-thyroxine; thyroxine ...
IUPAC: (2S)-2-amino-3-[4-(4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodophenoxy)-3,5-
diiodophenyl]propanoic acid
MW: 776.870020 g/mol | MF: C15H11I4NO4

Synthroid is generally T4(levothyroxine) which is chemically exactly the same as human thyroxine. Synthroid is a replacement for a hormone that is normally produced by your thyroid gland to regulate the body's energy and metabolism. Synthroid is given when the thyroid does not produce enough of this hormone on its own.

Synthroid treats hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone). Synthroid is also used to treat or prevent goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), which can be caused by hormone imbalances, radiation treatment, surgery, or cancer. It should not be used to treat obesity or weight problems.

Read more:

The T3 after this deiodination feeds back to the pituitary gland to regulate the production of TSH.

Simply put, this feedback loop is the process of control.
T4 being converted to T3 is the step that is often the problem because it occurs outside the thyroid gland. However if the thyroid gland fails for one reason or another, it becomes necessary to supply the body with its product.

This particular area of endocrinology is frequently the least understood and therefore frequently poorly managed. There are numerous explanations for why but the bottom line is that because of the complexity of the system, many folks don't bother to learn it and be comfortable explaining I am seeing here.

As mentioned earlier, iodine is in one of the most common food additives used, i.e. table salt. It was added because of the incidence of hypothyroidism in the midwestern US when it was realized that the diet was deficient in Iodine.

Rather than issue "advice" on the subject here, I suggest a thorough reading of the available and biochemically correct/accurate information available on the Internet and seek COMPETENT medical advice on your own SPECIFIC issue rather than general advice from someone who may NOT know YOUR specific problem.

No two fish in the sea are exactly the same. Furthermore, it is frankly rather insulting to listen to anyone who suggests that physicians are dishonest and ethically degenerate by getting "kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies" or are in any way controlled by them because it just isn't the case. It is myth perpetrated by folks who have an axe to grind with doctors, and many of those folks are just frustrated people who either wanted to be a doctor or are in some way jealous of being a doctor. Becomming a doctor takes adequate intellectual capability and a significant number of years of study and personal sacrifice that those folks who are so blatantly critical are UNWILLING or INCAPABLE of doing. Otherwise they would have become doctors themselves.

The world would be better served by not attempting to propogate myths which serve no good to the general population other than to inflate their own ego at the expense of folks in society who attempt to do good.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I do encourage people to read for themselves...

that being said, if you read what conventional medicine has to say those of you heading for thyroid mediciation and those of you on it will meet or continue your destiny.

Research by many qualified doctors has shown that the thyroid issues plaguing this nation is due to iodine deficiency. Ioidne was added to salt not to prevent hypothyroidism but to prevent goiter. This is a known fact.

The treatment for goiter is not synthyoid. It is iodine. Synthryoid should only be used until the thyroid is replenished and this can be done easily with iodine supplementation and it is the reason that iodine is added to salt and before that to bread until they took it out of bread in the 60's

to keep goiter from occuring only 0.05mg of iodine is requried per day. Much more is needed to prevent hypothryoidism. although other contdiitons can cause hypothryoidism as mentioned the vast majority of it is caused by inadequate iodine intake. Insufficient iodiene may cause cancer as taught by the leading iodine experts, Dr Abraham and Dr Browstein. There are many others ... of course its a no brainer that if your thyroid function is insufficient then you will be vulnerable to cancer.

Not only does hypothyroidism occur from inadequate iodine so do other diseases including fibrocysitc breast disease and prostate issues.

Many people who have gotten fully off of synthyroid though iodine supplementation state that they feel so much better than they ever did on the hormone supplement.

Beware,, just like premarin and some of the other stupid hormone things they have thrown at women that have caused untold damage,, synthroid is man made. It will never replicate your own home grown thyroid hormone.

Compounding the inadequate iodine intake issue is the use of bromides, fluroides and chlorine in our culture which binds to iodine receptor sites and causes further problems. If you ask your doctor what body tissues require iodine for health they will be clueless. Some will say of course the thyroid but they won't go any further than that because they don't know.

If anyone really wants to know the truth go to my blog and do a blog search on all the iodine articles stored there from research done by physicians in leading medical facilites and schools. The iodine movement in eduation is growing and eventually run of the mill doctors who don't really think for themselves will have to face up to the damages they cause by not being nutritinally astute.


Enjoys Recycling
Oct 4, 2010
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Read Sweet Poison by Janet Starr Hull.

Also, check out Susan Weed's website/forum.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Thanks for that link Weeds website/forum. Maybe she or others there can answer some herbal questions that have been perplexing me for a number of years.

Seeing a photo of Rosemary Gladstar on that site blew my mind. I knew her 35 years ago! She is still beautiful.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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raro said:
I appreciate this thread because I come at it from a different angle. I had breast cancer 5 years ago, then a year ago I got thyroid cancer. My thyroid was riddled with cancer and had to be removed. Fortunately, that's healed, although the breast cancer has come back and is now in my bones. I am convinced that the thyroid cancer came because the radiation I had for the breast cancer damaged the thyroid, but the radiation oncologist refused to even consider it (I think she thought I would try to sue her or something).

I am sorry that you are having to go though all of this raro. Such a long haul you have been through.

May I ask a question? When you had radiation therapy did they bother to cover your thyroid with a leaded shield? If they did not you have every reason to sue.

I have taken more patients than I can remember into xray and have first had whitnessed the slopppy technique of radiation therapists. I got to thinking that they must assume that they are magically protected and that their patients and their patients family members really need no extra protection either. Many a radation tech has gotten a stern lecture from me... I started out with friendly reminders to cover the patients thyroid, or the mothers who was holding the child or the tech who was in the room...but it all fell on death ears... then I started to get stern and demanding that they run around till they found thryoid shieds and everyone had them on or no xrays would take place..

In general the tone of xray lab protocol is set by the Radiation Lab's physician. If the physician is sloppy or doesn't give a blankity blank blank blank, sloppy protocol will prevail.

They seem to have gotten better in the last 5 years or so in general in the last few hospitals I have been in... but if you were not protected you do have recourse I would think,,, and if they did not document it it did not happen and in that rests your case.

Personally if I were ever to need large amounts of radiation for any reason I would saturate my body with Lugols iodine. (potassium iodide).. it protects against radiation poisoning to some extent, and mostly in the thyroid. Im sorry that that is too little and too late for you.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 17, 2010
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Honestly, Mackay, I don't remember! I do remember that she was very careful to aim everything just right, because there were a whole lot of organs that she was trying to avoid frying. And when I asked her if the thyroid could have been damaged, she was indignant and insisted "not at all, that's impossible!" That was five years ago, and the statute of limitations is two years. Of course, maybe it's two years from my diagnosis, which is a whole new thing, hmmm...I just might look into that...

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