How do you use your space?


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
We have 4 acres in the suburbs, but we are zoned for critters and most of our property juts into a christmas tree farm. A chunk of it is swampy and wooded, but we have about 2.5 acres that are dry. About 2 is fenced but the pasture is poor, but slowly improving with management and compost.

We have 3 goats, soon to be more I hope. I will keep any doelings I get, my goal is one or two dairy goats and the three rescues can then be pets only. My barn is 14 x 24, with 3' x 24' enclosed for hay storage, and a 3' overhanging roof for storing stuff semi-outside. I enclosed part of that for the coop, and I have a smaller pen with a small moveable coop (4' x 8') for brooding whatever. Our flock is far too small this year with only 13 laying hens, one rooster, and 3 guineas (why-oh-why did I get those silly guineas???? Oh, yeah, ticks-oh-ticks in Lyme country!) I really want some heritage turkeys in the spring, hoping to keep a breeding trio over next winter to ultimately produce my own. Also hoping someone in the newer 8 hens goes broody for me this spring.

The barn was built with two horses in mind, we now have none, and the stall area was built with a removable wall with foaling in mind. The wall is stored, and the goats have the whole space. During the day, in winter, the birds spend most of the day with the goats then go back to the coop at night. In summer, a few wise hens come into the stalls and clean up any flies.....they are amazing at fly control!

If we had more pasture, better pasture, I would've seriously considered a Jersey or other smallish dairy cow, instead of the goats.

I have room for pigs and have LOTS of oak trees (acorns!) but dh will not hear of mammals that he's met can go in our freezer! And no chickens as food....he finally agreed to turkeys "because they are ugly!"

My gardens expand yearly. I have fruit trees, but no fruit yet. Plan to terrify them this spring into producing. 2 apples and a pear. Grapes this spring, too.

When we rented in a two family house, we had the boxes for various plants and they were very prolific!!! The totes will last only 2, maybe 3 years if you don't try to move them at all. The sun breaks them down. We did the hybrid soil and hydroponics method. Boy, did the veggies grow in those boxes!!! You can use 5 gallon pails, too, better if they are free. When they break down, no money wasted. Also it is better if you create some great compost, as you have to replace the soil each year for best results. I tried just changing half, and it was only half as good.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
We have 7 acres m/l. Two acres is the yard and house. I have a few fruit trees here.

We have a large 30x60 metal building that is for shop, storage, husband/boys piddle area.

I have an 8x24 greenhouse and getting another 12x30 greenhouse.

There is an outbuilding that is 12x20 that I use for potting supplies.

I have a large cabin coop that is 8x12 with 10x12 runs.

Our garden is 40x80.

A little of half an acre is a four wheeler track.

The rest is field area. We are thinking of plowing up a large area of that and plant corn this year.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 16, 2008
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We have 3/4 of an acre. We have a chicken coop with a run on both sides, a large shed and two small patches of grass for a lawn. We grow veggies and flowers around the borders of the house and yard. I have plans for a nice clothesline and garden this summer. My neighbor lady also has room where I can garden. My sister has a nice big acre of land that I plan on trading food and favors for the use of this summer.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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We have 1 1/4 acres that we live on for now. We have the house, a shop, 2 tank sheds, 1 metal storage container & 1 shed. A big garden, a pen that is big enough for 6 cattle, a sheep pen for 2, a hog pen for 2, 2 dog runs(chickens & a duck), 2 large orange trees that have been here since the 70's & room for plenty more fruit trees. WE will be adding more fruit trees this yr & grape vines, along with blueberry & raspberry bushes too. WE will also be putting up our pool too & still have a lot of unused land. We also plan on putting in a pond in the front of our house. The citrus trees will go out front & the other fruit trees will go along the west property line to help shade the property in the summer better, not only will they provide food they will help keep things cooler here too(dual purpose). Dh &ds want to get goats too. Dh plans on getting a new "Man Cave"(shop) in a few yrs & he will posistion it so that we can incorporate a barn on the back side of it for all the animals. Plus we will be buiding new chicken pens as dh found an easy to build & not expensive way to build also to accomodate a bigger flock for me. Right now I have 4 hens & 3 roosters that are part of my flock, but I plan to increase to at least 12 layers. I'll keep the little d'Uccle eggs for my family.


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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7 acres, 5 of that woodland.

We plowed what was the front yard and put it into a vegetable garden. It's about 100'x100'.
20' x40' of that goes to the winter garden of root crops which are raised beds where the roots stay in all winter to be harvested as needed. Parsnip, carrot, parsley root, rutabaga, leek.

We have a strawberry patch, ever expanding red raspberries, blueberries, blackberries.
There is a small pear orchard, a persimmon tree, an apple tree and a wild grove of sour cherries for pies. Hazelnuts and a chestnut tree.
I planted a concord grape vineyard along the drive entrance.

We put in a 1/3 acre pond, stocked it with Bluegill and Perch. If we wanted a wild goose or duck meal we just look there so we don't need to raise those. We water the garden in summer with it and also have a pond filter and pump hook up for emergency house water.

We got chickens last year for eggs and fertilizer.

We heat with firewood and our woodlot provides well. I am coppicing a portion of it this year. I also make crafts that I sell from the wood. We tap our maple trees. The leaves become compost and shredded leaves for our compost toilet. I plant pine seedlings each year and some are now big enough for our Christmas trees. I planted ginseng, goldenseal and wild ginger in the woods.

The creek that runs through our ravine is shale lined. We built a 25'x25' terrace off the front door overlooking the ravine with the shale stone, planted herbs between the stepping stones. We also used the shale to veneer our fireplace. I've begun planting the types of ferns along the shady creek that are good for edible fiddleheads.

I put in an extensive 30'x30' herb garden in a parterre design on the south side of the house which connects to the stone/herb terrace. The gravel from the creek sandbars provided material for the formal path base.

We left a small area of lawn for the pinky mushrooms that appear after a good rain in summer and fall. It's an area that deer have always passed through and fertilized.

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
I have 2.5 acres- probably an acre of that is redwoods and the rest open. All the areas not woods are fenced and available for the goats and horse- I won't say graze but nibble on. In the area close to the house I have 4 semi-dwarf apples, two peach, one asian pear, one eureopean pear, one cherry, 14 blueberry plants, strawberries whereever they can be squeezed in. This year I want to get some more raised beds and plant up an artichoke patch.
The now three Boer does provide all my meat except for chicken which I do my. I grow most of my own herbs and have a lemon tree in a pot on the porch.
Blackberries and huckleberry grow rampant here and I do harvest them. Mushrooms are common but I haven't the faith in myself to know I won't kill myself with them so I just keep looking at them and wondering. :p
Raised beds are really necessary here as the place is a sheet of running water all winter followed by no rain all summer. Getting vegies above water then having to really conserve is the name of the game.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
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Springbrook, Ontario
enjoy the ride said:
I have 2.5 acres- probably an acre of that is redwoods and the rest open. All the areas not woods are fenced and available for the goats and horse- I won't say graze but nibble on. In the area close to the house I have 4 semi-dwarf apples, two peach, one asian pear, one eureopean pear, one cherry, 14 blueberry plants, strawberries whereever they can be squeezed in. This year I want to get some more raised beds and plant up an artichoke patch.
The now three Boer does provide all my meat except for chicken which I do my. I grow most of my own herbs and have a lemon tree in a pot on the porch.
Blackberries and huckleberry grow rampant here and I do harvest them. Mushrooms are common but I haven't the faith in myself to know I won't kill myself with them so I just keep looking at them and wondering. :p
Raised beds are really necessary here as the place is a sheet of running water all winter followed by no rain all summer. Getting vegies above water then having to really conserve is the name of the game.
We have giant white puffball mushrooms in the thickett by the house, they're edible but I haven't had the courage to pick them for food LOL.

homestead jenna

Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2008
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1.3 acres just outside the second largest city in Maryland (Frederick). There's a house where we live and a rental. Partially wooded.

Raised beds
Herb garden
Raspberries - along the lane to the second house
A woodlot
2 sheds
gonna add a hive or two of bees
Have my gdaughter's rabbit hutch.
Growing more trees on the front of the lot - mainly for privacy and less grass to mow.
edited to add: And I'm gonna build a "salad table" for use on the side porch this year.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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southeast corner of IN
I'm glad I asked! You guys are doing some amazing things with what you've got. TanksHill - that website is awesome! :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 10, 2008
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Lake Champlain Islands
We live on 3/4 acre with:
1 house
2 sheds
1 coop with a run for my 4 hens
1 grape arbor
2 pear trees
3 apple trees
1 crab apple tree
4' x 14' strip of raspberries
4' x 14' strip of black berries
2 elderberry bushes
2 10' x 20' garden beds
4 smaller raised beds for root veggies

I am trying to convince DH that getting a nanny goat for milk would be a good idea! He's noy buying it!

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