How Has SS Made an Impact on Your Life?


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Finding this forum has helped me to remember a lot of the knowledge I acquired as a young girl reading about the colonists, like making soap and candles, and spinning. I've enjoyed gardening any time I lived somewhere that I could, but I've found ideas and tricks (and recipes!) on the forum that you don't find in books. Like Denim Deb, I've found the knowledge and encouragement to try new things - like raising ducks and making herbal remedies.

I've been glad to meet people that aren't afraid of hard work, and share the values that helped this country become great (and it's still the best deal around, in spite of things).


Power Conserver
Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
SS is a lifetime commitment and the forum has been invaluable with so many like minded people with a collective knowledge that is brilliant. Whatever new task you consider undertaking somebody has had the experience and is happy to share their knowledge.

SS is invaluable and educating. Congratulations to all of us.

Daffodils At The Sea

Power Conserver
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Really interesting stories, guys. :)

Being completely off the grid is a reality check, and it's a lot of work, a lot to keep track of, but I like knowing how things work, I like the sciences involved, I like being safe in a storm, I like living with Nature, not trying to suppress it into something it's not. Maintenance is not my favorite thing, but this is a life of maintenance. My father was a Maintenance God, and he loved it, and I appreciate it because of him. I wish I was more into it :).

I feel a little like I'm cheating living where the ground doesn't freeze and we all run outside and stare at frost if it happens in January. But the other side of the coin is that everything is in full gear here 24/7, nothing rests, weeds are always growing, bugs are always reproducing, and everything rusts! I love the ocean, but it's an added layer of work, unless you embrace plastic and aluminum. Love that spray paint for plastic!

This forum feels so nice because you all are really doing it, you aren't just saying, "Well, I read somewhere..." Lots and lots of great experience here. And it does take a special appreciation for hard work and perseverance. Stuff doesn't always cooperate, Mother Nature doesn't always cooperate.

ICU4DZS said: "People spend much of their time attempting to make other people fear. Look at all of the things that are on the Internet and in the mainstream media news which basically sounds like "Doom and gloom" everywhere you look. Have you ever noticed that the people who are practicing self-sufficiency really don't have all that "Doom and gloom" fear?"
Yes, I agree. It is nice that folks here have solutions for so many things, good ways of thinking outside of the box, and a willingness to make the effort and do the work. The media in our country focuses on fear and what's wrong. It's such a shame.

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