the funny farm6
Super Self-Sufficient
I was just wondering. We have been having some real good sales on canned vegies here. Right now I can get canned peas for .30 a can. I know they have an experation date, and I have used them up to a year beyond that date as long as the can was in good shape. But do they ever realy go bad or is there a length of time after the date you think they should be throun out? I have no luck with peas so canned is the only way I get them. And if I could stock up on other vegies it would be nice.
Also how long are home canned goods good for? We never have enuff to last a whole year. But I guess it would be good to know. Lol
Also how long are home canned goods good for? We never have enuff to last a whole year. But I guess it would be good to know. Lol