Around 20 chickens, various ages and breeds, somemixed (homegrown) a few roosters. We are going to thin them out a bit in the next few weeks.
we have 2 young goats, 1 rabbit on less than one acre.
4 hens/pullets -1 New Hampshire red, 1 Silver Spangled Hamburg, both about 2 1/2; 1 EE, and 1 Barnevelder, both about 8 months old. And 1 Barnevelder cockerel, same age as the pullets. Looking to get another 3 pullets in the spring.
14 chickens, 3 are roo's that are getting on my nerves.
Most of my girls are just over 3 years old, two of the roo's are just a few months old, just my luck to get roosters when I buy a couple of chicks to put under a broody.
We have 6 ducks and 5 guineas. Oh and a horse and goat. We live on 3 acres so plenty of room for everyone.
Right now, at the farm I have 2 roos, and 3 hens. The one roo was supposed to be a hen. I have someone who told me they want the one roo, I'm still waiting. While he's not friendly towards people, he's not mean to the hens, so I'm not wanting to send him off to freezer camp.
At home, I have 1 hen and 3 chicks. I'm pretty sure that 2 of the chicks are young roos, so they'll be going to freezer camp in a couple of months.
Thankfully our poultry numbers have drastically dropped in the past few weeks!
A few weeks ago we had 55 meaties, 40 various layers (including some roos), 11 turkeys, and 3 guineas. Now we have about 35 various chickens and 3 guineas! Along with 2 goats and 3 sheep on an acre.