Sustainability Master
We are in a mobile home, that makes me a Doublewide Diva. LOL I would like a storm cellar, maybe that will come in time. We have had some doozies since we moved here. The local TV stations cut in and monitor the tornado activity, I like knowing where it is and if it is coming at us!Baymule, I've always wondered about housing construction alternatives in tornado areas -- do you know of anyone who has a bermed or even partially underground residence?
I'd never been in a tornado before I was sent to Kansas City in July one year long ago to start training for a new job, and sirens blared that first week. People headed downstairs to get to safety and I was going, what, you're going to let a little wind get to you?
Found out how uninformed I was when I went outside and looked at the damage after the tornado passed by. It was sobering, to say the least.