How many use and appreciate.......


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
Marianne said:
colowyo0809 ,

I use TP for the first pass after I poo. Then I get my cut up t-shirt rag, dampen it with water from the sink that's close enough that I can reach while sitting on the pot. And then finish wiping with that. I usually have to kinda refold to get a clean area on the cloth again.
Then I rinse poo rags out in the sink, give them a shot of foam soap to wash, rinse and then put the cloth into the coffee cannister that has water and a dab of vinegar. So yes, I do have to deal with a little poo. But it's very little. And since it's my own, it doesn't really bother me.

Although DH won't use cloth and is rather paranoid of poo, he's okay with me using cloth after he knew that everything got a prewash before it hit the laundry.

This thread is getting hilarious. Colowyo0809, sounds like your SO is more paranoid of poo than my husband is! :lol:

And FarmerDenise, I can echo your comment about who plugged the pot here! Now, there's no question - he still hasn't figured out that a 'courtesy flush' is sometimes needed - especially if you're using half a roll of TP to get the job done. I'm still cracking up! :lol:
*sigh* yeah, he is :rolleyes:
Thank you for your answers, this gives me something to think about :) And since I do the majority of the laundry, or at least my portion of it, this would be easy enough for me to handle :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
I had to kind of wrap my mind around the whole family cloth idea for a while before I tried it. Actually, it was after reading that someone used cut up t-shirts that I had the ah-ha moment. I could do that pretty simply. My husband didn't know that I was doing it for a couple weeks, as I used cloth when he was gone, put stuff away and used TP when he was home.
Then one day he came home early, raced into the bathroom....then I felt compelled to explain. Much to my surprise, he was okay with it.
No one other than here and another forum know that I do this, not even our grown eco-friendly kids. Our friends think I'm tap dancing on the edge of sanity as it is. :D

All things considered, I still like cloth better! It's soft and I just feel cleaner. Just took a bit to get used to, and I had to fish out a cloth from the toilet ...twice. Then I got the routine down. There's really not that much urine on the cloth after you use it. Even if you use regular TP for poo, you'll still be amazed at how much less TP you'll go through.


Power Conserver
Aug 9, 2010
Reaction score
SW Missouri
I would like to do the family cloth, but I think I will have to wait until the kids are older. I do use mama pads when I can, my supply isn't as full as it needs to be and they are expensive to buy. I am not crafty at all so I usually order off of etsy. I get mine from a lady in Canada and she is a lot cheaper than the rest of them. Plus hers are a lot bigger than some-great for overnights.