Icu4dzs said:A very astute observation Hinotori...Hinotori said:Wanted to add as well that need to store real books with needed info. I have way to many books out in storage as well as inside. But we will have entertainment and info.
I've felt the same way for quite a long time. One thing is for certain, the books will still work even if the electricity goes out. One of my friends in town gave me the entire set of 1974 World Book Encyclopedia and the year book for every year since including 2013. I've been collecting books on "how to..." for quite some time because in the event that I need something, my guess is that I will probably have to do it myself...assuming the materials to do it are still available in some way. I guess that is why I loved the TV show "Junk Yard Wars" because they gave a hand full of guys all the tools they wanted, put them in a junk yard and pitted them against each other in a contest to make a "?" thing. What a hoot. Those guys were so creative. I loved watching and learning how they think.
I noticed that Britesea made an observation about the gumint confiscating our food supplies for "re-distribution" and find that very interesting observation that they are mostly interested in "commercially preserved foods". That never occurred to me that they would do that but why? are the folks getting the benefit of the "re-distribution" too lazy to cook for themselves?Home canned foods are cooked too Trim but if I were selecting foods from most places I would take the commercal and leave the home made stuff.alone. the commercial food has been properly prepared and QC'ed. Reminds of what the ;Rebels did in the war between the states when the slaves took off to be free and Sherman was living off the land they would hide food in hopes that the yanks would find it and quit looking for their real stash. here in NC the moonshine that was meant to be found was distilled using lead pipes rather than the traditional copper ones Since the officers and Sr enlisted got first choice of what raiders brought back to camp they were the prime targets. It worked well for a short time. at least ~gd
I guess what concerns me is the fact that there is even a thought that the folks who operate and administer our Constitution would even consider violating our privacy because "the king declared an edict" to allow it. What happened to our nation that the "King" has the right to issue "edicts" (or executive orders...if you will) in order to force communism down our throats. How clever. G*d save the "King". (or something like that...)