Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Just some quick thoughts on the latest round of comments.
If you want lots of meat go with the Cornish X. The drawback is that you can't really sustain a flock of Xs. Dual purpose birds will give you meat and eggs but they are not as meaty as the Xs. Leghorns will give you the most eggs but they are pretty scrawny.
I understand about heritage breeds but. . .
My mutts are the best egg producers and some of them want to go broody but we won't let them.
My mutts are also pretty small because many of them have bantam mixed with full size parentage.
If you are worried about keeping your strains pure then you have to keep a pure flock or keep the different strains separated.
I have been happy with my mixed flock. This year I will probably discourage broodies as most of my flock will be a year old this spring/summer. Next winter or fall I may start trimming down the size of the flock. I didn't intend to have a large flock, it just happened.
Next year (2010) I will probably let some hens hatch out a couple of clutches of eggs. That will serve to perpetuate the flock and put some meat in the freezer.
100 chickens in a 10 X10 space? It is a tractor or movable pen isn't it? One square foot per chicken seems to be too little space even if they are big fat lazy mutant chickens.
If you want lots of meat go with the Cornish X. The drawback is that you can't really sustain a flock of Xs. Dual purpose birds will give you meat and eggs but they are not as meaty as the Xs. Leghorns will give you the most eggs but they are pretty scrawny.
I understand about heritage breeds but. . .
My mutts are the best egg producers and some of them want to go broody but we won't let them.
My mutts are also pretty small because many of them have bantam mixed with full size parentage.
If you are worried about keeping your strains pure then you have to keep a pure flock or keep the different strains separated.
I have been happy with my mixed flock. This year I will probably discourage broodies as most of my flock will be a year old this spring/summer. Next winter or fall I may start trimming down the size of the flock. I didn't intend to have a large flock, it just happened.
Next year (2010) I will probably let some hens hatch out a couple of clutches of eggs. That will serve to perpetuate the flock and put some meat in the freezer.
100 chickens in a 10 X10 space? It is a tractor or movable pen isn't it? One square foot per chicken seems to be too little space even if they are big fat lazy mutant chickens.