How not to win your boss over for a raise, 101-101.001 A Nasty Rant


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 21, 2009
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Pragmatic Country
The ethic that says "If you work for a man - then work for him," has gotten fuzzy these days. Not everyone wants something for nothing, of course, but there is a current underlying today's culture that says it is possible to have just that.

There have always been lazy people - heck Aesop wrote about it, it's in the Bible and there are many cultural references to it throughout history. So it is nothing new. But it has expanded into a matter of cultural ethics, these days. It may not seem so to the man who owns or runs a business; he has more tactical concerns in mind.

But there is a new wrinkle that hasn't been there until the last few decades: entitlement.
When our leaders sing the song: "Don't Worry, We'll Take Care of You," then what do you think people are going to believe?
I hear it often where I work: "If I get canned/terminated/let go, then I'll go on unemployment...."

It never dawns on the terminee to immediately seek new, better employment. Nope, he or she will wait on that check instead. I try to deter them from that path, but it isnt something they want to hear.

It doesn't matter that any government assistance - be it welfare, unemployment or whatever - is limited and always comes with a price. The view of the moment is what matters and the price is easiest to pay when someone else foots the bill.

I've always taught my chicldren (and anyone else that listens) that in order to make your way in life, you must either be able to DO something, or SELL something. The goal of course is to BECOME something with yourself.

However, too many have listened too long to a goofy purple dinosaur telling them that they are "special." The message of course being that being 'special' is all it takes in life.

You are sending the right message. But as long as there is a bail-out plan for the weak links, then they will continue to thrive.


Sustainable Newbie
Mar 19, 2009
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Temecula, Ca.
This pisses me off. A year ago after Hurrican Ike I had a lovely job in Beaumont, Texas with a great 70 hours a week, a paid hotel room, and supervisor bonus'.

Now the golden gravy train of Exxon doesn't last forever, you can bet that when they start not making record profits then they start cutting out contractors that automated most of their waste disposal. I'm not bitter over that part I knew it was coming and saved as much as I could while the golden goose was laying eggs.

I moved back to California as I deemed it more important that my daughter have a relationship with her extended family (she is 3) then my wife and I living in our 3k sq foot Texas home.

Now the market for waste logistics isn't as great here in California as it was in Texas so right now I'm looking for work, mowing lawns, and working a night job as a security guard.

How anyone can complain about not getting a raise right now and they are getting a stable income right now is ridiculous.


Humble Ambitions
Jun 17, 2009
Reaction score
Deep East Texas
My husband and i have a thinking about this. Neither of us have very often been in charge of anyone's hiring or firing. Usually we're working FOR someone. And our mindset is not that we will work only as hard as the wage we're receiving is worth. Instead, we work so hard that our employer will be ashamed to be paying us so little. This mindset has served us well.

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