Well gosh darn I'm gonna have to try all that, one of these days. Looks so awesome!
Thanks for thr reply!Blackbird said:Hi Urban Dreamer.
Yup, I use a candy thermometer to check the temperature. I would think that all you need is an accurate thermometer that ranges from 50 up to, maybe 180. I'm not sure what kinds of thermometers are out there though.
You are correct about the oils needing to be heated and the lye heating itself when it combines with the milk.
I'm sure any milk could be used in replace of goat milk (I use raw). I would guess that it's up to you as to which kind you want. A milk that has been processed the least would be ideal.
Yes, it is safer to designate certain equipment for soap making use only. Much of my soaping equipment has come from thrift stores. Remember, stainless steel or enamel!
Hope that helps!
Hmmmm, I might be making soap soon! I just showed this thread to my MIL and she thought it was a great idea! She said she loves goatmilk soap, but I can't get a goat (darn it). I bought a little kitchen scale today for canning and I figure it could be used too for soap making. I don't think it has a ter (sp?) setting so I would have to weigh my containers first. Thanks for all the advice!Blackbird said:NO WAY! It only smells within a couple feet radius, and that's just when the lye and milk mix. Keep him outta the kitchen and I don't know what he has to complain about. It wafes out soon after. I know some people do it outside but unless you have a burner/stove outside the hauling back and forth could be a pain.
The lye should be fine if it touches the plastic, but try not to get it on the glass.
Oh! I forgot! Your question about the lye/milk mix, I've read in many places that they say to have both the oil and the milk-lye at 110 while you mix then together - often times I can't get the lye-milk up that high so I try to get the oils as close to the lye-milk as possible in temperature. I've combined them at 90F before with no issues.`
mrbstephens said:Now I HAVE to get a goat! Thank you for sharing this. Your directions are excellent and the pictures are very helpful!