big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
You dont need a yogut maker, just an ice chest and some couch pillows and an occasional cat or a dog according to freemotion!
The only milk you CANNOT use is an ultra-pasturized milk (check the label). I know Lactaid is an u-p milk, but don't know of any other brands off the top of my head.Dace said:Cheese did not drain a whole lot, I will let it go for today and then check it tonight.
Any suggestions on seasonings to put in it?
I think I want a yogurt maker now! Do you need to use raw milk?
Dace said:Yocheese turned out well! I added grated fresh garlic, minced green and red onion and salt and pepper. It was a tad on the tart side so I also added a little bit of honey.
Kids all tried my onion cream cheese and liked it. Now if I had told them it was yocheese they would have been grossed out. Kids are dumb.