Lovin' The Homestead
Well due to health issues we didn't plant too much.. definitely less than most years.
I went back to an older type of heirloom/op tomato Rutgers which ripens more at once than a bit here and there and with the heat and drought this year(I did water) they seemed to be very behind in setting fruit. I just picked my first round today.. about 25lbs. Bad thing is the plants were beautiful and even with the heat and dry they looked lovely.. then we got a nice break in the weather and had a few days of cool with rain and then more normal weather.. that is when the blight struck.. with in a week almost all of the plants foliage browned and died off. only the very tops of the plants are still there growing.. but they are ripening up and not getting icky.
We went on a small vacation right when my pole beans were producing the best. we did get enuf for several meals and I did get a few packs frozen but the rest I just let go seed.. lucky for me the types I grow make wonderful soup beans( Roma pole and Rattlesnake pole and a wax pole called yellow pencil) so will probably end up with a couple gallon jugs of beans.
The cucumbers started off slow and just now have really come thru. only had a couple of plants give it up and turn yellow on me. I just grew a mini burpless heirloom called Muncher this year.
Four types of cherry tomatoes just for the grand kids. Large Red cherry which is doing well/Yellow Submarine which is a yellow pear type that tastes better than just yellow pear also heirloom, they have already croaked off due to blight. but we ate them till they were gone/Black cherry which is still looking great, no blight and just starting to ripen and a new one from burpee that my grand daughter just had to have.. Green Gooseberry and that one is a bit harder to tell when it is ripe, has no blight what so ever and tastes very nice.. it is also just starting to ripen. She did give me the stink eye when I told her to eat one..
I had to eat half before she would pop it in her mouth.. but after that.. she loved them too.. 
We also had Purple Peruvian potatoes from last year and they had long runners when we found them in the basement so son dug up a spot in the garden and plunked them in.. last week the tops were lush and just starting to yellow and today.. all brown and dry and there were a couple potatoes right up on the surface so I grabbed them and brought them in and will probably try getting them out of the ground in the next couple days.
The plain old store bought potatoes that someone dumped in the compost bin are still big and bushy and just starting to yellow at the bottom so hoping they will produce well.. I did dig down and pluck a few of the little ones for new potatoes earlier this summer..
The old yellow crookneck that I planted late is producing more than we can eat so I let a few get bigger for the chickens.. but the zucchini that I planted was planted in a bad spot and is getting too much shade so I have yet to see one..
but I can see them in there so hoping for a couple.. will have to remember not to plant anything but lettuce in that spot next year..
Had no peaches/apricots/apples this year and the cherry tree is still a baby so didn't bloom.. darn old 80 degree weather in march.. For two weeks.. poo...
Had a great crop of red raspberries and got some jams(seedless) made and make a wonderful raspberry cake with raspberry fluff icing for grand daughters birthday.. but later that week I went to pick another round and found many of the plants trampled and most of the berries gone! Found several culprits.. between the ground hog and raccoons(found their footie prints) they didn't even leave me enuf for a pie
but good news.. The fall Ann yellow raspberries are putting out huge flowering branches so maybe one last chance for pie!
But we didn't do any other veggies this year. Lucky for me the big farm stand a couple miles up the road always has beautiful veggies. and rock bottom prices we buy much of the veggies from them that we don't grow either or don't do well for us.. I can grow hot peppers like weeds but not nice big bells and they sell them (all colors) for .40 cents each.. they also grow some of the best squashes and cabbages and they are easier for me to buy some years than to grow.. at 3/$1 small squashes(buttercup/acorn/delicata/sweet dumpling and a few I don't know the names of) I almost can't grow them for that price. They have bigger ones at different prices too.. like 2/$1 and $1 to about $4 for the huge ones like the big blue and orange hubbards.
But.. I have high hopes for next year.. I want to try my hand at sweet potatoes.. I have taken a mad liking to sweet potato fries... Curse you Burger King!
I went back to an older type of heirloom/op tomato Rutgers which ripens more at once than a bit here and there and with the heat and drought this year(I did water) they seemed to be very behind in setting fruit. I just picked my first round today.. about 25lbs. Bad thing is the plants were beautiful and even with the heat and dry they looked lovely.. then we got a nice break in the weather and had a few days of cool with rain and then more normal weather.. that is when the blight struck.. with in a week almost all of the plants foliage browned and died off. only the very tops of the plants are still there growing.. but they are ripening up and not getting icky.
We went on a small vacation right when my pole beans were producing the best. we did get enuf for several meals and I did get a few packs frozen but the rest I just let go seed.. lucky for me the types I grow make wonderful soup beans( Roma pole and Rattlesnake pole and a wax pole called yellow pencil) so will probably end up with a couple gallon jugs of beans.
The cucumbers started off slow and just now have really come thru. only had a couple of plants give it up and turn yellow on me. I just grew a mini burpless heirloom called Muncher this year.
Four types of cherry tomatoes just for the grand kids. Large Red cherry which is doing well/Yellow Submarine which is a yellow pear type that tastes better than just yellow pear also heirloom, they have already croaked off due to blight. but we ate them till they were gone/Black cherry which is still looking great, no blight and just starting to ripen and a new one from burpee that my grand daughter just had to have.. Green Gooseberry and that one is a bit harder to tell when it is ripe, has no blight what so ever and tastes very nice.. it is also just starting to ripen. She did give me the stink eye when I told her to eat one..

We also had Purple Peruvian potatoes from last year and they had long runners when we found them in the basement so son dug up a spot in the garden and plunked them in.. last week the tops were lush and just starting to yellow and today.. all brown and dry and there were a couple potatoes right up on the surface so I grabbed them and brought them in and will probably try getting them out of the ground in the next couple days.
The plain old store bought potatoes that someone dumped in the compost bin are still big and bushy and just starting to yellow at the bottom so hoping they will produce well.. I did dig down and pluck a few of the little ones for new potatoes earlier this summer..
The old yellow crookneck that I planted late is producing more than we can eat so I let a few get bigger for the chickens.. but the zucchini that I planted was planted in a bad spot and is getting too much shade so I have yet to see one..
Had no peaches/apricots/apples this year and the cherry tree is still a baby so didn't bloom.. darn old 80 degree weather in march.. For two weeks.. poo...
Had a great crop of red raspberries and got some jams(seedless) made and make a wonderful raspberry cake with raspberry fluff icing for grand daughters birthday.. but later that week I went to pick another round and found many of the plants trampled and most of the berries gone! Found several culprits.. between the ground hog and raccoons(found their footie prints) they didn't even leave me enuf for a pie

But we didn't do any other veggies this year. Lucky for me the big farm stand a couple miles up the road always has beautiful veggies. and rock bottom prices we buy much of the veggies from them that we don't grow either or don't do well for us.. I can grow hot peppers like weeds but not nice big bells and they sell them (all colors) for .40 cents each.. they also grow some of the best squashes and cabbages and they are easier for me to buy some years than to grow.. at 3/$1 small squashes(buttercup/acorn/delicata/sweet dumpling and a few I don't know the names of) I almost can't grow them for that price. They have bigger ones at different prices too.. like 2/$1 and $1 to about $4 for the huge ones like the big blue and orange hubbards.
But.. I have high hopes for next year.. I want to try my hand at sweet potatoes.. I have taken a mad liking to sweet potato fries... Curse you Burger King!