Almost Self-Reliant
Our garden was attacked twice by deer this year, leaving us with an even shorter growing season and not much produce..
The beans (green & dry) and peas came back to some extent, but flowered very little and didn't produce much.
Lettuce, radishes & beets were wiped out. Won't plant for fall because we are moving.
Tomatoes are growing like mad. We didn't plant enough to can much, just experimenting with different types. So far, I am most impressed with the Amish paste tomatoes, for our area. Loads of baseball/softball sized fruits with very few seeds and lots of meat.
Our sugar pumpkins and butternut squash are fighting for space on the fence- lots of blooms, but only a few fruits, but the nicest I've ever grown!
Onions are doing well. Still small, but that's to be expected here.
Potato tops are taking over their part of the garden. Haven't checked below ground.
Peanuts are doing really well. They were hit by deer too, but bounced right back and put on lots of blooms (I have been told blooms equal nuts underground. I sure hope that's true).
Despite all our heat, which I thought was good growing conditions for okra, it has been very slow and kind of stubby.
Cuke has only produced one since deer raid. Several more coming.
Melon took too long to bounce back and won't be able to produce because of our short growing season, but I left it because it's trying so hard, I didn't have the heart to pull it
Our neighbor supplies our zukes, pan squash and corn. He has the greenest thumb I've ever seen, but the man will not get off his secrets to growing for nothing!
We had a bumper crop of rhubarb this year. It loves this clay soil, for some reason. I know it won't produce half as much in the sandy soil we're going to( from past experience), which saddens me, because we all love rhubarb. Maybe I'll dig a bunch of this stuff to set in the holes with them?!!
All of my pepper plants yellowed and pretty much gave out this year. A few flowered, but no fruit. Planted them in three different mediums, to see which they liked best. I guess that was a resounding none!
The carrots tops were chewed off, but bounced back well. Not sure how they are doing underground though.
Our unknown apple tree is putting on bigger fruits, but still suffers from scab, despite repeated sprayings, so won't get much from it.
Of our two unknown pears, only one set fruit this year and I can count how many on two hands with fingers left over, but they are much bigger than when we moved here.
All our other plantings are still trying to establish themselves. If I can, they'll go with us. Otherwise, somebody else will get to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
The beans (green & dry) and peas came back to some extent, but flowered very little and didn't produce much.
Lettuce, radishes & beets were wiped out. Won't plant for fall because we are moving.
Tomatoes are growing like mad. We didn't plant enough to can much, just experimenting with different types. So far, I am most impressed with the Amish paste tomatoes, for our area. Loads of baseball/softball sized fruits with very few seeds and lots of meat.
Our sugar pumpkins and butternut squash are fighting for space on the fence- lots of blooms, but only a few fruits, but the nicest I've ever grown!
Onions are doing well. Still small, but that's to be expected here.
Potato tops are taking over their part of the garden. Haven't checked below ground.
Peanuts are doing really well. They were hit by deer too, but bounced right back and put on lots of blooms (I have been told blooms equal nuts underground. I sure hope that's true).
Despite all our heat, which I thought was good growing conditions for okra, it has been very slow and kind of stubby.
Cuke has only produced one since deer raid. Several more coming.
Melon took too long to bounce back and won't be able to produce because of our short growing season, but I left it because it's trying so hard, I didn't have the heart to pull it
Our neighbor supplies our zukes, pan squash and corn. He has the greenest thumb I've ever seen, but the man will not get off his secrets to growing for nothing!
We had a bumper crop of rhubarb this year. It loves this clay soil, for some reason. I know it won't produce half as much in the sandy soil we're going to( from past experience), which saddens me, because we all love rhubarb. Maybe I'll dig a bunch of this stuff to set in the holes with them?!!
All of my pepper plants yellowed and pretty much gave out this year. A few flowered, but no fruit. Planted them in three different mediums, to see which they liked best. I guess that was a resounding none!
The carrots tops were chewed off, but bounced back well. Not sure how they are doing underground though.
Our unknown apple tree is putting on bigger fruits, but still suffers from scab, despite repeated sprayings, so won't get much from it.
Of our two unknown pears, only one set fruit this year and I can count how many on two hands with fingers left over, but they are much bigger than when we moved here.
All our other plantings are still trying to establish themselves. If I can, they'll go with us. Otherwise, somebody else will get to enjoy the fruits of my labor.