hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Um, yes, there are several science experiments in ours currently :hide Some of them are so bad even the chickens can't eat hem :hit
We made it to lunch on Saturday without eating out, but then we decided to go grab something and had a coupon for Chikfila, so we went there. It doesn't agree with the BF's stomach, but it's soooooo good!! That was a nice treat (and it felt like a treat since we hadn't been out in so long!) so it was enjoyable.
My hair isn't feeling much better yet! Found two gray ones while I was at it. :tongue I did a raw egg mask on it, which I swear it felt like a TON of it fell out later, but I can't tell if it was the egg mask or if it only seemed like a lot of hair fell out. Either way I don't think it helped my hair! It didn't feel or look any better later, so that was a bust.
Saturday I didn't do a huge amount, got the horses fed, we went mega shopping because I had a coupon for lots of bonus gas points if I spent $140.00. The BF hated the whole experience, trying to spend that much money stressed him out! I was fine with it, but the store was getting crowded by the time we finished. They also audited my order since I do the self checkout thing, which meant I had to wait for someone to come over and verify that everything was actually accounted for. Highly annoying! But it meant the BF had time to bag up everything while we waited for someone to come over. Of course, he doesn't bag quite as generously as I do and tried to put 10# of flour and 4# of sugar in one plastic grocery bag. :he Almost all the bags had holes in the bottom, which makes them useless for cat litter. Oh well, thankfully I have a good supply saved up from my other shopping trips already.
I spent the afternoon mostly resting because I just wasn't feeling good. Allergies are hitting in full force. Fun times. That's when I did my bath and the hair mask that failed.
Saturday night the BF was going to make a strawberry cheesecake to take with us to a friend's house on Sunday. That's when we discovered that the strawberries I purchased were bad. At least they weren't so bad that the chickens couldn't eat them. So the BF had to go back to the grocery store to get more so that he could actually make the cheesecake. That meant it finished at like 10 something, which stunk, and it way past our bedtime. But we survived, and the cheesecake was fabulous.
Sunday we got up and used the strawberry sauce that was leftover from the cheesecake to put on waffles. It was sooo good!! :drool
The BF got ready to go to church, and I stayed home to do chores. It was rather nice to get things done quietly at my own pace. I've actually been feeding the horses by myself since Tuesday of the week before because one of my boarders went on vacation for spring break, and then my other boarder backed out of her Thursday responsibility on short notice. It was rather nice to just take care of things myself. I'm grateful for their help, but sometimes it is nice to just do it myself. Of course the allergies kicking in on Wed of last week weren't appreciated, but I still got it done.
Anyway, so I stayed home and did stuff, got the animals taken care of, and then started doing some laundry and cleaning up in the house. It felt good to catch up a bit. I wanted to open the windows, but the wind was blowing terribly so that didn't happen.
The BF finally got home, he decided to go over to his parent's house and hang out after church, which he didn't bother to tell me he was going to do. The horses were out of hay and I was expecting him to come home from church so that we could get that done and then go to the places we needed to go. Instead, he agreed that he'd do it later that night after we got back home, which was nice of him.
I got changed into something more presentable, which was tricky considering it was 80 yesterday and I don't have my summer clothes out yet! Managed to figure out something decent, and headed to his cousin's house for brunch. It was ok, nothing spectacular, and I ended up sitting with his mom the whole time listening to her complain about the various things that are going wrong with the building of their new beach house.
We left there early to head over to TW and VO's house for the REAL dinner... she did a ham, plus a rack of lamb, and put that with some amazing sides. It was so enjoyable, and we had a great time. She even sent us home with leftovers, and told us that we should call her instead of going out to dinner when we haven't had time to cook. She's so sweet about it. I might just have to talk to her about planning some days when we can come over to make it easier on our schedule. I haven't ever heard back from that chef lady, so I can't plan on that.
We got home later than expected, and so I missed the first part of my Reiki class call, but I was able to get on later so I didn't miss out on it. She also had to move one of our classes, and that helped my schedule since we'll be away at the beach that weekend.
A good weekend, and we're getting more rain this morning than I thought we would, so that's a relief. Hopefully it will knock down some of the pollen, and I'll get a break for a little while! I'd like to work Storm this week, but we'll have to see what happens with the timing and how bad the pollen is. It is exhausting sneezing all the time and trying to get everything done.
This weekend there are plans to figure out what the garden needs, and get some lyme on it, and to work on the chicken coop to get that set up so that we can get the layers moved up closer to the house. Then that means we can get the broilers!! Can't wait! I still need to find someone to take care of butchering them though... I'm not going to butcher that many birds by myself for the first time. Not on the to do list just yet!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
It can take a while to correct problems with your hair; be patient. If you have improved your diet, the hair will follow.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 26, 2016
Reaction score
I hope your allergies are better soon. Are you still using your Neti pot? It really helps allergy and sinus problems for me even though I hate using it. Ugg!

I've heard good things about coconut oil for hair and scalp. Never had any problems with my hair or scalp. It is really hard for me to except compliments on my hair but I finally did say "Thank you." to my friend when she was going through chemo instead of my usual "It looks like crap."

Anyways it sounds like you've been really busy. It makes me tired just thinking of all you've done and done it sick, no less. :thumbsup


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks for the nudges!
I did a hair masque this week from Shea Moisture and it was good. My hair was soft, and much darker in color than it has been. I didn't want to have to wash it again! LOL (I did, but very carefully trying not to wash too much!). I've also got the curls coming back that I used to have, big ringlets that just naturally fall. I need to go pick up a couple more products to try to see if they help, too. I want to do that this weekend before we go out of town.

So this week has been kinda busy, but kind of not. I have about 6 different things that are going on that by themselves would make me tired, but all together they're exhausting. Not many of them I can control, so it is what it is. But some of them are coming to an end, so that is helpful. On top of that my mom decided to get crappy with me about the fact that I haven't talked to her in a while. It's because I'm going through SO much right now, and I know that she wants to emotionally dump on me, and I just can't cope right now (It was hard enough at Easter having to listen to the BF's mom dump about the house they're building. I really didn't want to be there!). She's sent me several other messages, but I haven't figured out how to respond yet, because I just don't know what to say. There really aren't words to convey what I'm in the midst of in terms of personal development and growth, so it isn't easy to explain.

Found out that Cowboy and Coyote are going home. :hit I was really hoping they'd stay with me, and I just bought some expensive supplements to help Coyote with the grass issues. My boarders don't even want them to leave, they all love them. I'm really hopeful that I will have space for them to come back in the fall/early winter again and then maybe they'll stay permanently. It will mean extra money when they go out of town this summer, and hopefully they'll remember why it was so easy to have them at my house instead! I'm sad for them, too, because they are so so so much happier at my house than they were at home. They have a much better environment here, and it just stinks that they are leaving.

I also talked to Scooter's owner, and she's going to leave him in FL for training a while longer. I told her that I just couldn't keep holding her stall if she wasn't willing to pay me something for it, so I'm going to give her the deposit back and she'll come get her stuff. I'm glad that he won't be back, and I don't plan to have space when she brings him home. She's very high maintenance, and he is, too, and that's just not what I'm keen on. So that's a relief, even though it means that I won't be refilling the space quite as quickly. I have a horse coming in on Friday, so at least that's one back in with the two boys leaving. Then the other lady is supposed to be coming in by June, and I emailed her to let her know that she could come sooner, but she hasn't replied yet, which has me a little concerned. TM seems to think that she won't actually leave the farm where she is now, but I've got $200 worth of deposit that said that she would. If she chooses not to then I just made $200 without doing anything. It will be a little frustrating though because then I'll need to try to refill the stalls. We'll see what happens though. I'm sure she will end up coming, even if it takes a while.

Went to yoga class yesterday at my friend's house, she's one of the first instructors I worked with and I give her credit for the foundation of my poses being what it is. I reached out to her again because I had a funny thought that she'd know where to send me to get a scarf to go with my dress for the wedding coming up. And I was right, she loaned me 2 different ones, so I'll figure out what works better when I get there (and see how warm it is, etc). I stayed for her yoga class at her house, and while I was there she mentioned that she's going to do teacher training. I was like sign me up. I don't even care how it will be paid for, I want to do it with her. I'm really stoked about it, though I kind of hope that it doesn't start too soon cause I've got too much going on right now!

Otherwise, that's about it... LOL.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Bummer about Coyote and Cowboy leaving. Wish they could stay with you, but like you said, more money for you when they go out of town.

Yoga teacher classes sound great! Might even be another source of income for you in the future - when you clone yourself so you can actually be in two places at once!

Sorry about mama drama... hope it works out positively!


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 26, 2016
Reaction score
Yoga is great for conditioning without hurting. PBS had it on early mornings and I would DVR it. I should start it again. I've got really out of shape.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks, FEM! And yes, eventually I will teach, I don't know where or how, but I know it will probably be different than most that teach just because of my background.

The weekend was good. KN came into town and so I had my lesson on Saturday morning. She kicked Storm's butt! He was totally sweaty and I had to hose him when we were finished. She took him from me which worked out well because I haven't watch the technique that we are working with very much right now, so having her demonstrate really helped. Plus since Toppers jammed my knee, I wasn't up to as much running around while juggling the line and whip and the horse all at once. I was content to try to keep up with her (which I didn't always do as well as I would have liked, whew, she was moving quick!). We took him down to the arena which has no jumps in it right now so there was lots of room to work and she made him work. He is doing really super well though and looks great, so that was good.
I finished feeding the horses, and then got myself organized for the essential oils stuff I was doing that afternoon. I had a talk at the yoga studio, which went nicely. I only had 2 people show up, but it was fun, and I enjoyed it. I didn't mind dragging all my stuff out for just 2 people, they were lovely and we got to have some awesome conversations.
Sunday I took care of the chores, and then got ready for my workshop. I was behind, and in a rush and forgot to bring my plate and silverware like the instructor had requested. DOH. But the workshop went well, it was a 6 hour meditation workshop. I felt great when I finished, and my allergies weren't bothering me. Too bad I don't have 6 hours to devote to meditation like that every day! LOL I think that would make me crazy, I like moving around too much to do that every day!
But I have been trying to get in a little meditation every day. I think it's doing good, but it's tricky to tell.
And now I'm in full on travel prep mode since we leave later this week to head down to a family wedding in NC at the beach. Can't wait to be on the beach. But there is SO much to do between now and then.... I'm not even gonna make a list because I don't think I can remember everything right now!
Really, that's about it. Oh, new horse arrived, Frank, and he settled in quickly. Very quiet and well mannered, and has landed nicely in the herd so that makes me happy. The other 2 new horses are probably going to arrive on the 21st, so that will be good. I'll have 5 total at that point, so that's good. The 2 new ones will be self care, instead of full care, but it's still income. Better than not!
So yeah, THAT's about all of the news from 'round here!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Full on travel prep mode!!!! :th

Just 24 hours before we leave I check in with my friend, TM and make sure she's ok taking care of 2 horses feeding in the mornings when she comes over on the week days, and find out that she's got a mare that needs eye treatment FIVE TIMES a day. So she really can't take the time to come visit my farm once a day and spend about 45 minutes taking care of animals. Momentary panic. I start at the top of my list texting to see who can help fill in, and text DB first to ask her. I didn't want to, but she usually feeds her horses in the morning, and while mine would take longer (and it would take a few more minutes to step in and take care of the cats), I figured that maybe she'd pay me back for the couple of extra favors I've done for her here and there.
She texted me back and said, yes, but I need a favor. I was about to panic when I read on to find out that her daughter has gotten in trouble at school, and she owes $70.00 for something. DB asked if she could supervise but let T do the work. I was like OF COURSE! I was planning on paying TM to do it anyway, so having T do it and pay her is fine with me if her mom is ok with it. The only minor annoyance is that I need to catch up with at least DB tonight to just run down the list (and give her the dang rent checks so she can give them to her father!) and she knows what needs to be done when. I also told DB if T still needed some extra work when we got back that I could come up with some things for her to do (I've got weeds that need to be taken care of...). I'm happy to pay the kid to do something productive, especially since I don't like to do it!
So, disaster averted.
I still have a lot to do tonight to get ready, but it shouldn't be that bad. I'll only be here for about another hour or so and then I'll head home to do what I can before the BF gets home so we can go pick up the car.
Now I'm just PRAYING that my allergies let go a little bit since I'm headed south and to the coast. We'll see if that happens, but they should be ahead of us, and everybody is getting rain tonight/tomorrow for the most part, so that will help. I've got an order coming for my essential oils that includes an allergy supplement and I CAN'T WAIT TO GET THE BOX. I keep refreshing the delivery schedule just to see if it's been delivered yet. Then the next question is if they put it at the right house!
Soooo that's the scoop. I probably won't make it back around until next week this time just due to the post trip recovery! That's almost harder than taking the trip in the first place!


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
Glad things worked out so well! Have a good trip :frow